Trident Cycles Conman, Convicted Sex Offender & Serial Fraudster Grant King sniffing around Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre, and young women, again.

Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre have already been warned twice before about Grant King – but no, they let him waltz right in anyway.

Woodhill Sands Directors (Christopher & Michelle Ross):

I wonder how Brooke Campbell’s parents are going to respond to Woodhill Sands, once they discover that Woodhill Sands have already been warned once about Grant King, that Woodhill Sands are aware of Grant Kings conviction for sexual offences against a young woman, but that Woodhill Sands can be “bought off” for a couple of sponsored bikes from Trident Cycles, Grant Kings illegitimate company?

Actually, how are ALL PARENTS of young children who attend Woodhill Sands going to respond?

And what about the Sponsors of Woodhill Sands?

From the Woodhill Sands website:

March Monthly Prize Draw Winner

Sunday’s Dressage show included another prize draw and this time the lucky winner was Riley Sewell! Riley wins a Horse & Pony subscription and 2 bags of Fiber Fresh Feed – Congratulations!!

Below is a photo of Brooke Campbell collecting her prize for the March Grand Monthly Prize Draw. She was especially happy to win a Trident mountain bike as its exactly what they needed. Presenting Brooke with her prize is Grant King from Trident Cycles.


Thank you Grant and Trident Cycles!!

Update 22/5/14:

I received a phone call today from the young woman in the photo, Brooke Campbell.

Turns out her and her family are “bestie’s” with Grant King – Brooke says that she knew (one of) Grant Kings 3 ex-wives.

Brooke flew to Grant Kings defence, stated that she“had no problem with Grant”, and that I should remove the above photo from the website. Brooke, who was at pains to inform me that she was “24, so I’m not a little girl”, needs to read up on the meaning of “public domain”.

Honey, whether or not you have a problem with Grant King is irrelevant in the circumstances. Your Equestrian Centre is hosting a convicted child sex offender as a product sponsor, and there are 72 victims out here in the real world (the people to whom you referred to today as “dicks”) who have collectively had around $3 million dollars stolen from them by your “bestie” Grant King over the past 32 years (which is longer than you have actually been alive, Brooke), so forgive us if we choose to take a stand against your cycling benefactor, and all-round scumbag mate, Grant King.

And while we are at it, how does a “close family friend” of Grant King like Brooke Campbell end up “winning” a bike at a local Horse-riding event – is the “fix” in?

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

7 thoughts on “Trident Cycles Conman, Convicted Sex Offender & Serial Fraudster Grant King sniffing around Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre, and young women, again.

  1. Pingback: “Peadophile Paradise” (a.k.a. Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre) up for sale. | Grant Norman King

  2. Charlotte Leefe

    I appreciate what you’re trying to do, and agree that this guy has got away with more than anyone should. I am a bit concerned about your posts regarding his affiliates, while I’m sure this Brooke person said a few ignorant , immature things (she does look very young) Is that really reason enough to post her phone number and employment details? Is your aim to see her out of a job, out of affiliates for not knowing better. Either way we’d lose, as we’d end up paying her benefits. Not looking to stir here, I was directed here by a Stuff article and was mentally congratulating your victory, when I saw all the cruel, irrelevant stuff about a random girl who you’ve never mentioned has committed fraud/crimes, and now I’m wondering if this initiative was as great as I originally though, or is this indeed a way to harass people who never did you wrong, but happened to be pictured with someone who did?

    1. Steve Taylor Post author

      Hi Charlotte, I appreciate your thoughtful and considered response to this post. No, there is no mention of Brooke Campbell committing any crime, simply a report that she and her family are staunch supporters of Grant King, who in her own words stated “I have no problem with Grant”. Brook Campbell then referred to the 71 fraud victims of Grant King as “dicks”. I would argue that such a position invites derision from us as a Consumer Victims Advocacy Group, and that we are entitled to publicise such derision accordingly. I guess the message is that for anyone who wishes to be seen associating and supporting Grant King, they are going to be “bathed” in his history and actions by association, given the widespread public awareness that Mr King now has. So, if people don’t want to be “burnt” – then I suppose the message could be “don’t associate with the guy who started the fire”.

  3. Shaun

    Like the other commentator, I came to your site from Stuff. While I agree with most of your comments re Brooke Campbell and the equestrian centre, I agree with the other writer that publishing her personal details is a step too far.
    What you’ve done in terms if exposing Grant King is great, but I think that your public support will ebb rapidly if you continue in this vein.

    1. Steve Taylor Post author

      Hi Shaun,

      Thanks for your feedback, and qualified support.

      It is indeed unfortunate that Brooke Campbell chose to become involved in this issue, however she was at pains to tell me that she was an adult, and very comfortable with the decision and comments she had made.

      I am thus unable to rescue Brooke from her own choices.

  4. Guy

    The readers that objected here to Brooke Campbell’s details being posted – seem to be unaware that she herself posed in the photo on the Woodhill Sands Ltd website – she chose to be named, she accepted the “randomly drawn bike prize” (despite her family having known and supported Grant King for years) – nothing wrong there !! So they might also be unaware that as a matter of fair publishing that you publish her side of the story as she gave it to you, supporting Grant King. One of your objectors feels she will be sacked by her employer … why would that be ? What has she done wrong ? Nothing at all – in the eyes of the law or any employment court… to have utterly terrible taste in friends, and socialising with convicted sex offenders is not illegal and nor should it be, unless she has children of course and endangers them – and I don’t think that is the case.

    If Brooke Campbell wants to remain out of the bright lights of publicity and the national media then her choice to accept the prize of a $1,000 mountain bike from a convicted sex offender and fraudster is one she might wish to reconsider. She was bought – plain and simple.

    The victims of this man will never cease this campaign, this website will never end and they will never forget the civil and criminal injustices Grant King has to date committed and as long as this site continues being supported by rulings like the one just made in the Auckland District Court – more victims will discover the site, more victims will come forward and reveal their tale of fraud and more victims will be prevented from becoming prey to this disgusting individual.

    Perhaps the woman that complains that Brooke Campbell will lose her job needs to order a sleepout from Grant King, or maybe go and buy a mountain bike in Helensville… or maybe she knows someone that used to work for one of the dozens of companies Grant has defrauded and forced those businesses to go under – like Rocna Anchors directors – the likes of which were soundly put out of business when Grant King stole their product and now trades selling anchors under Tern Marine selling an anchor that is almost identical to those designed and created by Rocna. Nope – she won’t do any of those things… why not ? Because its her money and she doesn’t want to lose it, but she has no problem being the goody goody police for Brooke Campbell who is perfectly capable of defending herself she claims – and will no doubt go on being photographed with Grant King in many more Woodhill Sands Ltd events smiling and being his staunch supporter – she can come to his support shortly in fact – when the Insolvency Hearing of Grant King in the High Court – where the official Assignee will oppose his automatic release from bankruptcy and we can all hear from Brooke Campbell about how nice Grant King is and how he gave her a bike once. Somehow I don’t think we will be hearing from Brooke Campbell in Grant Kings defence.

  5. Mike

    Hi Steve,

    As a neutral observer I have to agree with the previous comments around diverting attention to the young woman in the photo.

    Sure, she’s “guilty by association” & may have some misguided loyalty to Grant King but attacking her may do your cause more harm than good. Sideshows like that just appear nasty & vindictive. If she is smart Brooke Campbell will educate herself on Grant King to hopefully appreciate the pain & hurt this man has caused. Wouldn’t it be nice if she got in contact to say “actually I was wrong, it’s a bad look & I’m sorry”.

    Ultimately it’s your blog/site & you can do whatever you like but as a neutral I found it impacted negatively on my impression of the site/blog & its purpose.

    Anyway, opinions are like backsides aren’t they & everyone has one. Good luck in your future pursuits of GNK who does indeed deserve everything he gets.


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