Check out the attendees list at the top of the Minutes, and the position held by GNK, back in 2002 – two years prior to GNK going to prison for multiple child sex offences:
Apparently, GNK ripped off the Waitakere Central Community Arts Council as well (amount to be confirmed), and escaped any censure because the Waitakere Central Community Arts Council was apparently too afraid to prosecute him, for fear that they would look incompetent (for having such a crook for a representative) in the eyes of external funders.
This seems to be a key theme of GNK – he attempts to manoeuvre himself into a situation where he feels or believes that he might “have something over” another party, so that if they ever decide to hold GNK to account, he can come back with “Aahhh, but you did this”. GNK unsuccessfully tried this coercive tactic on me regarding the Sleepout, by attempting to paint me as someone who was trying to “get one over” the Council, by saying that I attempted to build a Sleepout without a permit, but knowing that a permit was required – which was an utter nonsense of course.
The one thing that GNK did not count on however – I’m not afraid of him.
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