Restraining Order granted against Grant Norman King (AKA George Good) in the Christchurch District Court.

Judge-Judy-Shake-My-Head-Gif_zps66b02891.gif | Bruceb Consulting

From the “Just how much stupid can one person attain in their lifetime” file, I am reviewing a copy of a Restraining Order that has just been granted against Grant Norman King (AKA George Good) in the Christchurch District Court, as an “Associated Respondent”.

I have been asked not to publish the document in full, so I will honor this request, however, I’m frankly stunned by two things:

1/ That King  / Good / Whatever continues to think that he can act with impunity, without (once again) experiencing the law of natural consequence;

2/ That the “Primary Respondent” (no benefit in publishing who the “Primary Respondent is – he is of no importance to me, his reputation is now in tatters, and it’s an easy guess for readers to determine as to who he is anyway) in the matter above ignored my warnings regarding associating with Grant King / George Good in the first place.

Mind you, I suppose that when you have suffered as many brutal take-downs as Grant King has to date, there must come a time when one just throws their hands up in the air in abject defeat and whines “What is one more?”.

Chalk up another win for the GNKASS Network 🙂

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court






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