Monthly Archives: March 2017

Sensible Sentencing Trust (SST) about to “go live” on Grant “cry-baby” Kings sexual offences against a minor.

Grant King has been spinning like a wobbly top recently, trying to convince all and sundry that he was never the subject of sexual offence charges against a minor (i.e. a convicted pedophile) in 2004.

As always, King is about to be taken to the cleaners for trying to dupe those around him.

A “taster” of what is coming:

R V Grant Norman King at (    ) District Court, TO21957, Dated 8 April 2004.

Convicted of 2 counts of Indecent Assault involving a girl aged between 12 and 16.

Count 1: 6 months imprisonment.

Count 2: 12 months imprisonment.

Both sentences served concurrently.

Judge did not consider King suitable for home detention.

Judge SG Lockhart, QC

According to the people who were at the Hearing and Sentencing, King blubbed like a baby as he was led away.

Once the SST Offenders Database on Grant King is live, this website will link to it.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


“Desperate is as desperate does”: Grant King appeals to Netsafe & the Harmful Digital Communications Act to have this website shut down.


I received a call today from Netsafe, who have been charged with the responsibility of managing applications from individuals who are allegedly distressed by online information about them, under the Harmful Digital Communications Act.

It seems that Mr Grant King has made an application for a “take-down” notice to Netsafe regarding this website, because Mr King claims the site has posted either quote “false allegations” about King, and /  or that Mr King is suffering quote “serious emotional harm” as a result of the information on this website, and /or that Mr King feels quote “threatened” by this website.

Absent in Kings application to Netsafe was any self-awareness about the false allegations, serious emotional (and financial) harm, and threats that King has invoked upon his 72 (known) victims in his 32 year criminal history.


We’ve been here before.

Remember this?

King failed to convince a District Court Judge of these claims in 2014, and if it is of any use to Netsafe, here is a copy of that Judgment:

King v Taylor Court Decision Harrassment Mini File

All that King managed to achieve in his previous attempt to shut this website down was an avalanche of affidavits from his many, many victims, and embedded media attention on a scale that far and away exceeded the reach of this website.

So…………it seems King wants to have another go at shutting this website down, despite not once requesting any corrections or amendments to any information on this website, in the six years this website has been running.

OK then – batter up.

My recommendation to Netsafe is to kick this one straight to the Courts – I already have the press release ready to go.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


Grant King confirmed to be living at 15B Tumoana St, Taumarunui (at least for now).

A number of local parents have now made contact with this website asking for further details of Grant Kings 2004 conviction for sex offences against a minor.

This website is unable to release the court documents without identifying the victim, however if parents wish to make contact with the victims family, please leave your details in the comments section of this post and we can pass your details onto the family for them to contact you.

As all post comments are moderated before being published, there is no risk of your details being published on this website, unless you give us consent to do so.

Please label your enquiry “Not for publication” in the email text box of your query.

15 Tumoana St, Taumarunui (source: Google maps).

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Courageous “Wahine Toa” from Taumarunui is onto Grant King.

Image result for possum in headlights

“Like a possum caught in the headlights – so are the days of Grant Kings life”

The beauty of this network of over 70 victims of Grant Kings 32 years criminal history is that it is very, very motivated to see justice done when it comes to Grant King.

Another feature of the network is that it is simply EXCELLENT at recruiting new advocates to the cause.

One such example is a lady by the name of Paulette Ata, who has discovered that Mr Grant King has popped up just across from her house in Taumarunui:

True to form, as soon as King gets sprung, he trolls this website with a host of false identities, trying to pretend to be a host of different people while he desperately attempts to cover his tracks.

Too late, Ponyboy – Taumarunui is onto you, and particularly the lady above.

It’s a pity to hear that Sequoia King, Grant Kings daughter is down there with him – we are guessing that the new relationship and  the job didn’t work out, huh?


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court