I have been reflecting on the recent report I received about a reported vigilante bashing of GNK, and the fact that his young daughter may have been hurt as well.
It occurs to me that a young teenager in the company of such a high-risk individual as GNK, especially given the above information, is at dire risk herself, so to this end, I have filed a formal notification with CYF to investigate the care and protection issues relating to GNK’s daughter.
The Intake Social Worker who took my notification is Rosemarie Stevens at CYF Westgate, and she may be contacted by email at rosemarie.stevens011@cyf.govt.nz or (0508) 326-459 if anyone else has any information that may assist to protect GNK’s young daughter – because frankly, he is doing a bloody lousy job of it.
While I fully support your taking down of this prick, don’t misunderstand me on that one- I’ve heard stories about him for years in relation to his time in Speedway, shit he got away with and one or two others I am sure, and it’s great that he’s being made to pay, but I can’t help but thinking how this affects some 3rd parties.
I’ve been watching for a while, I’ve also tipped off a couple of unrelated associates as well when one of the name drops occurred, which I checked out and found people I personally knew associated with them (link since removed as not relative), while a third has told me their name came up and subsequently removed; but I don’t want to see innocent people getting caught up in King’s shit , especially those who aren’t involved.
I won’t identify myself here because I was too close to one of those persons once before, and I know for a fact they weren’t involved. But if you look back in your emails you’ll be able to match me up via the details I’ll put in the details log, as we communicated once before. I have some other points that I feel should be made if you’re going to do this sensibly.
My question therefore would be is this.
While the idea of taking down those who are guilty is admirable in every respect, where does it end in relation to the innocent? In this case a child was beaten during what is obviously a witchhunt. And I don’t think for a second that you sent out the cavalry, but don’t you think what’s appearing on this site here could be a catalyst for that? Don’t you think that not only have you put Kings child at risk with this, but also your own? Justice is wonderful but you really do need to count the cost. I admire you for making sure that King goes down for fraud, I think the game needs to be played smart, not as open.
Feel free to contact me via e-mail if you work out which one I sent.
Hi Preston. Thank you for your thoughtful and considered feedback.
My target has and will always be Grant Norman King t/a NZ Sleepouts, and David Swale of Swale Earthmovers, because they are the guys that ripped our family off for $23,500.00.
If King & Swale had simply done the right thing by the law and by us, and paid us back our money that they fraudulently procured via dishonest and deceitful means, then all would have been well (with us at least) in thier lives.
The mistake King & Swale made was to assume that I would roll over, and that I would follow a process based on this assumption – basically, they both called what they thought was my bluff, which I am now sure in hindsight they will both be aware was a very, very stupid thing to do.
In calling what they thought was my bluff, they have not not only exposed themselves to the highest level and depth of public, media, and statutory scrutiny ( as I warned them would happen if they did not see us right on the multiple contract breaches they committed against us); they have also unwittingly placed anyone that remotely associates with them (sadly, including some members of King’s family) to the same level and depth of public, media, and statutory scrutiny, and re-enraged a large number of people who were King’s previous victims, who are now collectively fighting back – and are winning.
The smartest thing now that any of Grant Kings or David Swales “associates” could do is to actually dis-associate themselves from King & Swale immediately, because the very serious formal sanctions that King and Swale have coming to them, such “associates” should not, and will not want any part of.
My target is King & Swale – no-one else: but if other people are going to insist on making the same mistake with me that King & Swale did – then I guess that decision is for them to make?
The people at the greatest risk right now with regard to the content of this website is Grant Norman King & David Swale – let’s all keep it that way, shall we?
Fully understood. As I said, when targetting an individual, do not try to take out the shire he lives in and the population he shares it with. I speak for his children, his disconnected friends (including myself) and one or two that have been implicated who are connected to the Speedway community of NZ. We may have known him, but we don’t deserve to be caught up in his shit.
Case and point, my name (as posted, which if you know about the country and state I live in, is actually a postal address) is now associated with the Mihaka connection, as per your latest facebook post.
As I said, all kudos to the take down of Grant. Don’t take down the suburb of Preston, Victoria , or anyone else on speculation in the process.
Ha! Don’t take down Preston! It couldn’t get any lower!
Intelligence… you can’t beat it.
Would like to point out that the facebook site Gnksleepouts Stcounselor is not me under another psuedonym.
No, it’s just GNK having a “cyber-tanty” – no drama.