I had a delightful conversation with a Mrs Beckett of Beckett Motors (Railside Ave, Henderson) recently.
Mrs Beckett, in her slightly raspy English accent (punctuated with much mirth and laughter), says that her family have known Grant for over 10 years, and that, while they actually quite like GNK:
“Grant is a spider- he builds a web, and then he catches people in it. He is very clever and charming, but he never seems to learn from his mistakes, which is why he can never get ahead in life. One thing we would never do is give Grant any money. He has so many ideas, but he always seems to panic when the pressure is on, and then he makes bad decisions, and then he loses everything, and gets himself into trouble. We like Grant, but we certainly don’t trust him, and anyone who does trust him would be foolish to do so”.
Sounds like Mrs Beckett has GNK sussed.