Monthly Archives: January 2014

Trident Cycles and the Grant King website scam.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Here is the work-in-progress link to Grant Kings stalled “Trident Cycles” business scam.

Here is the Facebook product page for “Trident Cycles”.

What is the most laughable component of this website is the Consumer information page, which is the classic “cut-and-paste an agreement” method of Grant Kings that we have come to know so well.

NZ’s most famous fraudster promises commitments to the Fair Trading Act, and the Consumer Guarantees Act, and the business model is exactly the same as all the other scam businesses King has run and had closed down: you give King money for a product that isn’t even existence (or in this case, not even in the country) and then King will give the product to you, unless he decides not to, or unless something “unexpected” happens (which is King-code for “when I rip you off, which is my intention all along”).

And yes, King promises to re-credit your account is something “unexpected” happens – it’s just that he has no history of ever re-crediting anybody, with anyone he has ever ripped off – ever.

Whatever you do, do NOT “proceed to checkout” 🙂

Companies office record is here.

It’s the same people involved as Tern Anchor – and both businesses stillborn, whilst the Office of the Official Assignee investigates both businesses, and formally oppose Grant Kings release from bankruptcy.