3 thoughts on “Updated photo of Grant King (2014)

  1. Andrew Fuller

    Hi, I have found out about this website by an article in the newspaper.
    May I say I commend your actions and perseverance in maintaining this website and making others aware of this criminal.
    I just wish there was a website that listed all like criminals and scam artists.
    As a businessperson myself the stories I get told of contractors ripping off people is beyond belief and every week I get to hear of another story I have lost count of the times I have had to fix up cowboy’s work but I wish somebody would would setup a site so consumers could check who they are employing.
    Keep up the good work.
    Andrew Fuller

  2. Steve Taylor Post author

    Hi Andrew, Thanks for your support.

    Yes, there have been some attempts by others to set up such a site as you suggest (e.g. No Cowboys), however such an initiative needs to have the Ministry of Consumer Affairs both funding it and staffing it.

    As a population, we live and (most often) vote for an offender-centred justice system, and the time has come for victims to be privileged in the justice system, not offenders.

    1. Michelle

      This is so refreshing to read. My father has been scammed for thousands. I have been collecting evidence and have been wondering the best way to stop them and warn others. My father is too elderly scared to file a complaint.
      We are holding them at bay with a trespass order, but that may change.

      I congratulate you. I feel I can follow your footsteps.


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