Readers may recall posts made on this website pertaining to the New Nation Party and Grant King’s / George Goods’ involvement in the said party.
Well, knock me down with a proverbial feather: a media organization has finally worked out the connection between Grant King / George Good, the New Nation Party, and Party Founder Micheal Jacomb.
Go to 1 hour 11 minutes:
Chillingly, the reporter states that she was warned (we don’t know by who) to “steer clear” of this connection in her story.
She bravely included it anyway.
This site has been going for coming up 12 years: we are still here, thanks to winning a landmark, precedent-setting Court order for truth and free speech.
If the reporter was able to make this connection – how in the world did Brian Tamaki, Sue Grey, and the Freedoms New Zealand Party miss it?
Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day
Grant King Media Articles Library Summary
NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination
Hes still alive I thought he might have dropped……Hes been making threats again????
According to the video, someone threatened the reporter about “steering clear” of the connection between King / Goode, Jacomb, and the New Nation Party.
The reporter says she was told her safety would be at risk.
Who would benefit from such a connection not being made?