Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day
Grant King Media Articles Library Summary
Check out site # 2073 at the “Big Boys Toys Expo on 7-9th November, 2014, ASB Showgrounds in Auckland:
This could work out very well for any of Grant Kings fraud victims who may want to visit Site # 2073, and enquire of Mr King as to where nearly $3 million dollars in stolen money got to.
Since King will be running the stand, he can’t leave the site, so he will have little choice but to be a “captured audience” – as will anyone assisting him during the show.
Well, that’s my weekend booked on THAT Friday & Saturday.
I have advised the Expo organisers of what they could be letting themselves in for (ummmm, unpaid site fees to start), not to mention the risk to any consumer who buys a product from a company fronted by Grant King.
Caveat Emptor, Big Boys Toys.