When builders go bad.

We read these sorts of stories all the time, don’t we?

Someone hires a tradesman, be they a plumber, a builder, a stonemason, a roofer, or whatever, and pays them some money to do a job.

The money is paid to the tradesman in good faith by the client, and then, over time, things don’t quite go quite right – products don’t arrive on time; the tradesman seems a bit unreliable; stuff that was supposed to be done by a certain deadline doesn’t get done – that sort of thing.

The client is most often reported in these stories as being initially patient, and stretches their understanding to accommodate the issues that arise – until one day, the client starts to do a little digging………………………………….

Eventually, the client realises (despite the reassurances of the tradesman that all is well) that they are being taken for a ride. The client then calls the tradesman to account – and the tradesman runs for cover.

This is just such a story, and will hopefully serve as a warning to the 100’s of 1000’s of people who everyday, hire tradespeople.

The tradesman in this story? His name is Grant King, the principal of NZ Sleepouts, which is located in Mill Rd, Helensville.

The story that follows will shortly be winding its way through the District Court, the media, and every single Council in New Zealand, and the utter audacity of the tradesman named in the story will literally blow you away (more to come).

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