I have been tracking the viewer reading stats of this website for 3 months now, and was intrigued by a recent spike of readership numbers in Australia.
I have now found out why these numbers in Australia have been rapidly rising – The Melbourne Age has picked up the SST article and run it:
What is also interesting is to see how people who have read this article find this website -the two most popular Google search string terms are:
“Failed building project”
“Auckland Blogger”
The “Melbourne Age” newspaper is owned by Fairfax Media – a news organisation that has coverage links to other newspapers in every State of Australia, and around the world (which is why I suspect this site now has readers from as far away as Thailand).
So welcome to our readers from across the ditch and elsewhere – there is now one more (massive) market that GNK and his dodgy activities have been exposed to.
(I have also sent my Press Release response to the Melbourne Age, “outing” myself as the author of this website).