It seems that GNK is destined never to learn from the multiple matrix of mistakes that he euphemistically calls his “life”.
As a result of the “smear site” that GNK has set up about me, and as a result of me waiting patiently over the last few months, while GNK slowly loses his mind and posts more and more false stories to the site, I am delighted to report that I now have enough evidence to file an action of Defamation against GNK.
I have taken advice from WordPress (the hosting site), the Department of Internal Affairs, and the NZ Police, and with their combined assistance, and the procurement of a specialist Internet Defamation Lawyer, I am now ready to roll.
Prior to the current legal action I have taken against him, GNK waxed lyrical about how I was never going to follow through, and that I was bluffing.
A cluster of recent events to date which have been wholly detrimental to GNK should now hopefully convince GNK that I never bluff – I simply act, and when I do act, I am meticulous in my prior preparation, prior to any action being taken.
It would appear that I have become the proverbial hill upon which GNK wishes to metaphorically “die” on – so be it.
Pssst – GNK: You will be paying for the costs of this Court Case as well.