How many Court summons, and how many convictions has GNK racked up to date?

Court summons: Reported as approximately 300.

Convictions: Reported as approximately 6.

These figures are very worrying, and not because they are so high.

The worrying part is that, at first glance, for every time GNK has ripped someone off, or engaged in a criminal or civil wrong – in the NZ Justice system, he is only ever held to account less than on 1 out of every 10 occasions.

No wonder GNK is so confident to allow people he has wronged to invoke the Court process – he has experienced a 90% +  success rate of not being held to account for his actions within the Court process.

Imagine having a 90% + success rate every time you bought a Lotto ticket – you’d never miss a week, would you?

The Courts and the Police may now have a lot to answer for for letting GNK run rampant over so many years, now that his various serious misdeeds have become so public.

One thought on “How many Court summons, and how many convictions has GNK racked up to date?

  1. Frank

    Those are just the ones that made it to a summons, there will be 10 times that many where people just cut there loss, instead of spending good money after bad chasing him, proving it and getting a coviction whilst paying $$$$ to a lawer to do it. To no ends as he has hidden the money.


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