An interesting report from a GNKASS Supporter.

Steve, looks like the campaign you are running is working very well.

On thursday morning King was arrested at Mark Lyon’s place in Eden Terrace when the police raided it, apparently King arrived there just after 9am and was taken away and not released until late afternoon, dont know if he was charged with anything but him and Lyon go way back about 30 years.

Right on the nail with your comments about the green stuff at Mihaka Edmonds property but Edmonds has imported and sold steroids to bodybuilders for years, have a look at him and you will see what that does to you bodywise. He has been importing them from China for years.

On Saturday night a vigilante group went to Kings house and beat both him and his foul mouthed daughter up and they both required hospital treatment for injuries so it looks like you are getting what you wanted finally.

Word out there is that a group of his friends are going to be paying you a visit one night so I would suggest you keep a close watch on your property and be careful when you open the doors at night, he has several friends that will not hesitate to use extreme force on you.

Just remember that he does have lots of friends from his jail time and take steps to protect yourself after what happened to him and his kid on saturday.

He has also made arrangements to move, I hear either to Taupo or Hamilton and until then he is in hiding staying somewhere else until he moves.

The building work that has been going on in the factory is a huge sleepout building that looks a lot like the photo from the trademe listings that Swales had and the one that used to be outside the yard with the for sale sign on it, I havent seen it but someone I know was shown through it by Swales last week and they are going back for another look next weekend.

Keep up the good work mate.

I have now made contact with the appropriate authorities (including both statutory and media) to confirm the critical aspects of this story, and have taken appropriate Security measures for myself and my family. It is desperately sad to hear that GNK’s daughter may have been caught up in what sounds like an independent exercise in what one police officer once described to me as “jungle justice”.

GNK is so dramatically absent of anything approaching self-reflection or awareness, it would be no surprise to me that he would unwittingly expose his daughter to the risk of some personal summary justice visited upon him, committed by others.

By all accounts, everyone I have spoken to about this latest report are of one voice: “Long overdue”; “About F*****g time”; “Bastard had it coming to him”; you get the picture.

The Ministry of Economic Development will be most interested in the “hidden sleepout” at 103 B Mill Rd, Helensville (I wonder if it’s actually the one I paid for? If it measures 8m x 3 m, then yep, it’s mine).

And if they think I am going to back off as a result of this threat above? Guess again. Wherever GNK moves to – the GNKASS Network will find him – we are now bloody everywhere 🙂

2 thoughts on “An interesting report from a GNKASS Supporter.

  1. Noel Hawthorne

    I agree that he deserves all what he gets, but can’t agree on using volience on him and his daughter by vigiliante groups. This to me this is stooping to his level in which I have refrained from in the past. Don’t get me wrong I have wanted to smash the piece of sh.t for the bullshit he posted about myself after uncovering his illegal doings in 2004. The pressure is on and I believe that he will be dealt with by the authorities, lets not help him escape any penalities by dealing out bush justice and giving him the pleasure of having good people bought before the courts. He is a master at using the justice system to his advantage.Noel Hawthorne.

  2. Steve Taylor Post author

    Hi Noel, yes I agree that no-one should do anything to allow GNK a “get out of jail free” card, and it is very sad that GNK has exposed his daughter to such risk – however I guess we can both understand the level of frustration that so many people have felt watching GNK walk away from so many crimes “scot-free”. It sounds to me as if a group of people basically said “right, that’s it – payback time”. Who could blame them? I am aware that GNK has not filed a police complaint about the reported assault, so I suspect that he hasn’t done so, because if he did, then the risk to him doing so would be too great to endure. I am picking he will lick his wounds, keep his mouth shut, and try and slither away to Hamiltion, Taupo, or wherever he is trying to escape to. The thing is, the GNKASS Network is now too big, and too motivated to allow him to escape to anywhere – we really do “live in a village” in New Zealand. I wonder if GNK ever pauses to consider “was ripping off the Taylor family for $23,500 really worth all of this?”


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