Seriously, this is just becoming farcical.
While the Ministry of Economic Development work through the process of prosecuting GNK for running two illegal businesses whilst a bankrupt, I have just discovered ANOTHER business activity that he is active in – Check out the contact details on the website – it is Grant Kings home phone number in Helensville!
The legal system is now being openly mocked by GNK – and it will be up to the legal system to wipe the smile off GNK’s face.–97-14.htm
The horse ads link to “Tiger Equine”, a horse business.
How do I know that GNK is involved with “Tiger Equine”?
Simple – GNK’s daughter told me:
I asked you to leave her out of this. Seems you forget about the deals you make.
Hi Arthur: No, I haven’t forgotten anything – it is just that I am unable to protect anyone from Grant Kings actions without their consent and their own efforts to protect themselves. Sadly, Kings actions have had a negative “spill-over” effect on virtually anyone he meets – for example, he is more toxic to the businesses, bank balances, and livelihoods of people than Roundup is toxic to weeds. One act of fraud and / or deception by King on one individual can actually negatively effect a number of people. For King, the negative “spill-over” effect he has had (as an example) on his family has been MASSIVE. I know this because various members of his family (both current and former) have told me so – they are utterly appalled about his longitudanal behaviour and embarrassed by him, and have been for some years (especially now that King is NZ’s very public “poster-boy” for fraud). Over the past few months, I have come to realise that, ultimately, Grant King actually doesn’t care about anyone but Grant King – not his family, not his partners, not his children, not his rapidly dwindling supply of “associates” (Sociopaths don’t ever make “friends”) – no-one but himself. Unfortunately, I just can’t protect anyone from themselves, or from who they choose to support.
You’re unable to protect an innocent girl from your public victimisation of her? Unlikely. I imagine she’s very upset right now. Teen suicide in NZ is rife and I’m sure it’d look bad on your career as a legal counsellor if she were to take that path.
Sadly, Kings actions have had a negative “spill-over” effect on virtually anyone he meets – for example, he is more toxic to the businesses, bank balances, and livelihoods of people than Roundup is toxic to weeds.
No metaphors with me please, these are hearts here that aren’t in need of poetry.
I know this because various members of his family (both current and former) have told me so – they are utterly appalled about his longitudanal behaviour and embarrassed by him, and have been for some years (especially now that King is NZ’s very public “poster-boy” for fraud).
Are you implying that his latitudinal behaviour has gone un-noticed?
Hi Arthur,
Grant King is the parent: Grant King is thus responsible for the care and welfare of his children. Part of providing adequate care and welfare as a parent is to not do anything that might have a negative spill-over effect on ones children. Grant King has failed to do this on multiple levels with ANY member of his family. I am not “victimising” anyone. Grant King (and any who associate with him) will be the victims of such association with activity or behavior that any right-thinking civil society regards as abhorrent. What has gone un-noticed by Grant King is that his actions have consequences not only on real victims, but also on victims families, including their children. Sociopaths are exceptional at playing the victim card when they are in the glare of consequential “headlights”. Thus the results of any negative spill-over effect to members of Grant Kings own family, or associates of Grant King, lie with Grant King, and no-one else, as a result of the above abhorrence, and the law of natural consequence. Let us not also forget that the position of the one you are rallying to defend has been made very clear as to where said loyalties lie – with Grant King.
Has Grant Kings behaviour gone un-noticed? 6 months ago I would have said “mostly” – but not any more: he is now the media “darling” for fraud.
And what do you have to gain by providing that link? Absolutely nothing. Please remove it.
You’ve got what you wanted.
Hi Arthur. The link is part of the evidence of the claim I am making in the post. No, I have got only SOME of what I want as yet, and satisying to me (and others) as this outcome most certainly is, I am still shy my money, which GNK and Swale took from me and my family, and which I intend to get back. When I secure what was stolen from me, it is THEN I will have everything I want, and it is THEN that this campaign will draw to a natural close, unless GNK wants to keep going another round with me, in which case this campaign will NEVER end for GNK. At the end of the day, GNK needs to decide as to how long he wishes to remain on my radar. The evidence to date suggests that he simply messed with the wrong person this time, didn’t he? Everyone else it appears has realised this – GNK seemingly hasn’t reached this conclusion as yet – but then, Sociopaths are not known for their reflective capabilities and insight. I have said this to GNK before, and it may be that others in his “cabal” need to get it as well: I am never going to stop this campaign, until I secure justice for me and my family. I said this 8 months ago, and I may be saying it 8 years from now if I have still not have attained this goal. I will never, ever give up in the pursuit of justice for my family on this matter, until justice has been attained to my satisfaction – it’s that simple Arthur.
Yep, it must be all about you, Steve. I really don’t think his daughter can be counted as part of his ‘cabal’. It’s a universally acknowledged fact that all little girls love their daddies, no matter what. Remove the link, it’s evidence of nothing.
Umm, yes, since we were the ones that were ripped off by GNK, it IS ultimately all about me and my family, so I guess the removal of the link is ultimately in “Daddies” hands then, isn’t it?
I assume the evidence you speak of concerns his working whilst being a bankrupt. Since there are no ads on the site, the person who built the site can’t be making any money from it. Any fool can put together a site on wordpress and throw some ugly graphics on it. Making a website isn’t a crime. If there were ads on it, and he was creating revenue from the site, maybe you’d have a point.
Remove the link, please.
Arthur: King IS Tiger Equine- that’s the point. Don’t be fooled by the Hayley Morgan connection – she might be the registered owner of one of his cars, but it is King calling the shots on the “horsie” business. Dig deeper.
I have no desire to dig deeper. I know what’s going on.
Remove the link, please.
I shall need to refer you back to “Daddy”.
King hurts EVERYONE he comes into contact with Arthur, and as long as he continues to behave the way he does, and as long as people risk trusting him in ANY capacity whatsoever, he will continue to do so. If you really want to protect your friend, get her away from her father, or enlist some help to do so – because she is at as much risk of being hurt by King as Hayley Morgan is – if you want evidence of this – go and ask Kings other partners and children.
Hello Grant: GOTCHA again 🙂