Monthly Archives: November 2016

A message to Grant King from the Morgan Family: Stay gone.

The following message is from the family of Hayley Morgan:

“Hayley is now living with her family and working to start a new life and does not wish to have any involvement with Grant King. We don’t want Grant to be able to take away Hayley’s enjoyment of Horses and competing, so we are asking people in the horse circles to help keep an eye out for Hayley and let Grant know he is not welcome at horse events”.

Hopefully “Levi Ponyboy” will get the message, even all the way from Whangamata.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

What is the connection (if any) between Grant King, and Whangamata?

The GNKASS Network information line has been running hot over the past few days.

Most of the information has been (as usual) sent to the various statutory organisations that this website has shared information with, going right back to 2011.

This piece of information though is intriguing, as Whangamata is just 30km away from Waihi.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

Sensible Sentencing Trust file on Grant Norman King (currently being updated)


 Grant  King

Please note: This is a limited view of this offenders information. For more information, please view desktop version.


Full Name

Grant Norman King


NZ Herald storyhere

His latest activities are detailed in this NZ Herald storyhere

More further information may be foundhereabout some of his other activities including a very extensive history of fraud,amounting to somewhere in the vicinity of two million dollars in total

His latest bankruptcy (his third) is coming to closure soon,story here

King was recently convicted (again) of 6 charges of running a business whilst a bankrupt (Tern Anchors).
His DPB fraud detailedhere

From the Sunday Star Times 25th May 2014

A fraudster’s victim who fought back has won a landmark battle to name and shame the man who scammed him and dozens of others. Nearly two and a half years ago, Steve Taylor contracted Grant Norman King to build a sleepout for his elderly father behind the family home in West Auckland. Taylor paid three-quarters of the price – $23,500 – as a deposit. The sleepout was never built and the money was not returned. In a bid to get even, Taylor brought civil proceedings against King but when the cost of continuing the case became prohibitive, he took a different tack, setting up the website with the intention of warning others who might be drawn in.

Within months other victims were clamouring to tell their stories and it was not long before Taylor built a comprehensive timeline of King’s offending. King then tried to turn the legal tables on Taylor by using the Harassment Act to sue Taylor and demand the website be taken down. Taylor was forced into Auckland District Court to defend himself. However, that was King’s mistake. “What he did was open up the opportunity for every other victim to tell their story, which was the very thing he was advocating against,” Taylor said. Affidavits in support of Taylor’s cause flooded in and he said it was surreal to be standing in court with the public gallery full of people backing him.

In court Judge David Wilson sided with Taylor and said the website, with all its explosive accusations, could remain online. “It would be inappropriate if a man in Mr King’s position could close down postings of essentially factual material on the basis that it interferes with his commercial plans and deprives him of customers,” the judge said. “I accept Mr King is distressed by the postings but in my view that distress arises because he would prefer potential customers were unaware of his history and is not such as justifies the making of restraining orders.” Lawyer Madeleine Flannagan, who advised Taylor and has been the victim of online harassment herselft, said the judge’s decision showed free speech was alive and well.

She said the unique nature of the case, setting a new precedent in harassment laws, meant it was already being used by media law professors at Auckland University. Taylor’s website also resulted in King being punished. Since setting up the website, Taylor said more than 70 victims had come forward, across a 32-year span, claiming losses of more than $3 million. As a result, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Social Development began their own investigations, which ultimately led to eight convictions against King for fraud. According to Taylor’s timeline, the pattern of dishonesty started when King was convicted of receiving stolen vehicles in 1982. Taylor vowed to continue his campaign against the scammer, whom he labelled “a classical sociopath”.

King rejected the criticism of him and said he was now working as a salesman for a bike company, putting his criminal past behind him. “I have moved on and I do not deserve the sort of treatment that he’s [Taylor] given me,” he said. “I’ve been kicked from one end of the country to the other by this guy for two years with absolute bullshit mixed in with a little bit of fact and I’ve had enough of it.” He was defeated in the recent court hearing because of the “presentation of the case”, King said, but it was not his only way of hitting back at the blogger. “I’m not going to say what my next step is because I’m not going to telegraph that,” he said. Taylor was sceptical of King’s claim he had changed his ways. “I’ve been relentless in the pursuit of justice . . . I don’t think he’s going to stop, but neither am I,” he said.

Multiple minors groomed by Grant King for sex, 1 minor tied to a bed by Grant King when she tried to leave, yet Helensville Police say “it’s a civil matter”

Does this image shock you?

Because there are others I could have uploaded that would have told a much more graphic story.

It seems that with Grant King out of prison and now on electronic bail, there are a number of young women who, having now had sufficient distance from the “Stockholm Syndrome” of being in Grant Kings clutches, are now coming forward and sharing their stories of their awful experiences with King.

The trouble is, when the young women and their families then reportedly attempt to make complaints against Grant King at the Helensville Police Station, the families are telling this website that the Helensville Police fob them off with the oft-used catch-phrase when it comes to Kings offending, “your complaint is a civil matter”.

The background:

In 2004, King was sent to prison for the sexual assault of a minor.

Long story short, King kidnapped a young minor woman he had been grooming, took her away to a motel, and spent the weekend sexually assaulting her.

Post-prison sentence, Grant King then groomed a then-14 year old Hayley Morgan (again via horses) whose family were neighbours of Grant King, and who for years refused to believe that King was sexually grooming their daughter.

King would (and still does) pretend to the authorities that he was / is acting in a “care-giver” role for Hayley – they ended up being in a relationship for many years, and word is that this relationship has recently resumed.

Fast forward to Helensville, circa 2011-16.

During this time, King has ingratiated himself into the “horsie” set, and has favoured Woodhill Sands as his preferred hunting ground for prey.

Woodhill Sands of course has been repeatedly warned about Grant King and his paedophile background, but they have continued to entertain him.

Now, there are  (at least) 4 young women that we  know have been groomed by Grant King in recent times, who have made themselves known to this website.

Their story is exactly the same.

King will give the girls money, time, and horses, whilst simultaneously be-friending the young girls families.

Over time, King works to either isolate the young girls in a setting away from their family and friends, or will attempt to drive a divisive wedge between the young girl and her family, whilst positioning himself as “someone who understands” what the young girl might be going through (which is most often just teenage angst).

At times, King has even been successful in having young girls “choose” to live with him in his “care-giving” role.

One young lady reportedly made this decision to move in with King, and when she tried to leave the house because she was frightened for her safety, King tied her to a bed and wouldn’t let her go.

Now older and wiser, these young women are now summoning the courage to speak up about what happened, and they want to be able to file formal criminal charges of sexual assault against Grant King – but the young women say that the Helensville Police refuse to take their criminal complaints.

So, what is actually going on?

Maybe a representative of the Helensville Police Station could give me a call and give their side of the story?

In the meantime, there is a bunch of young women who are keen to talk to local Police – about criminal, not civil matters.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd



Grant King reportedly now in Waihi.

It seems it is now the Bay of Plenty to which Mr Grant King has turned his feral attention:

Map of Waihi

Word is that King has moved out of Helensville and into Waihi township.

Appropriate notifications are now being sent to various contacts within the area, including local media, and the Police.

What’s very interesting to me is the activities Mr King is now apparently engaged in, whilst on community detention via electronic monitoring.

Out of jail in September 2016, and soon to be back in trouble again just two months later.

Still using the email address, and the (022) 018-9290 mobile phone number too, I see.

Dumber than a sack of hammers.

More later.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd