This time it is a Wellington-based family who reportedly hired GNK to build a Sleepout for their holiday section in 2009. GNK reportedly took the money, laid some dodgy piles on site (all of which were uneven in height and insufficient in depth, just as he did at our house, in order to give the appearance of work being done – a grand charade), and then disappeared off the face of the earth, after missing every single build deadline GNK originally agreed to meet.
The GNKASS Tally (the estimated amount of money GNK has ripped off people over the last 30 years) now stands at $2.915 million (and counting).
I am in the process of assisting the family to file a formal “Notice of Claim” in the District Court against GNK.
Looks like I better settle in for a while, as I am picking that a queue is about to start forming behind my own claim served just a few days ago.
And now, we all know where GNK REALLY lives.