Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day
Grant King Media Articles Library Summary
Wow, what a turnout today at the Auckland District Court, Albert St, Auckland.
Thank you to those brave people who showed up, shared their stories with each other, and who filled up the bulk of the seats in the Court room gallery – the look on Kings face at seeing a group of his former victims all sitting together was priceless.
Watching Kings blood pressure rise as it became clear to him that his deceptive “no fraud occurred” fantasy was crashing around his ears was also pretty worthwhile to observe 🙂
Grant King showed up with an Asian lady friend, and no-one else.
The Judge advised that today would be a “Directions Conference” for the Court to determine the readiness of the parties to proceed to a Formal Hearing.
King was devastated, and plaintively whined to the Judge that he was hoping that the Hearing would be held today – the Judge made it very clear to King that this would not be happening.
Requests were made by the Judge as to whether either Party wished to file any more affidavits.
Kings reply was “No”, and my reply was an enthusiastic “Yes, Your Honour!”, as I am aware that there are a number of victims who were not able to get their affidavit into the Court by the first filing deadline, but who may still wish to file their own affidavit against King.
The Judge directed that the affidavits already filed by victims in support of my Notice of Defence had to be independently re-filed to the Auckland District Court, Level 6, Albert St, Auckland (there is no fee to file an affidavit in this Hearing), by 01/04/14 at the very latest.
The Judge also advised that only victims who were prepared to file an affidavit against King would be permitted to testify at the upcoming Hearing.
The Judge then asked both parties as to how many witnesses would be testifying in the Hearing.
Kings reply for his application was “none”, and my reply for my defence was “currently 7 witnesses, with more to come”.
The Judge then ordered that a half-day Hearing (4 hours) be set aside in the Court calendar, so that the Court could hear directly from the victim witnesses about their experiences with King.
This means that the fraud victims of King will finally have a formal Court platform to tell their story to a District Court Judge, and the Judge (in part) will decide as to whether the evidence of these stories is sufficient to permit this website to remain live, by serving a “lawful purpose” in publishing these stories, and exposing Grant King to public scrutiny. My defence is grounded in Section 17 of the Harassment Act 1997.
So, for those who have already written up their affidavit and forwarded it to me, you simply need to take two copies of your affidavit, and file it independently (for free) at the Auckland District Court, Level 6, Albert St, Auckland, and for those who wish to write up an affidavit, you will need to file two copies in the same manner by 1/4/14.
For some of you, this will be the first time that you have ever had an opportunity to submit your evidence of Grant King defrauding you, to a District Court Hearing.
You will not be alone in your endeavour.
Please ensure that you:
a/ Have the affidavit signed off by a Solicitor, or Justice of the Peace (most legal firms provide document signing as a free service to the public -just walk into your local legal firm and request document signing assistance, or visit the local Citizens Advice office for JP assistance).
b/ Attach any evidence to your affidavit, and have this signed off as well.
c/ File two copies of your affidavit at the Auckland District Court, Level 6, Albert St, Auckland, by 1/4/14.
For those who will be attending the Hearing in person, I will meet you outside the nominated Hearing room on the day – the Hearing Room venue will be posted on the Court Hearings Schedule in the Auckland District Court building.
As soon as I have the nominated date of the Formal Hearing, I will post it to the site.
Good on ya! Keep up the good work.