Category Archives: NZ Sleepouts (Grant King)

What is Woodhill Sands Showjumping & Events Centre doing hosting a convicted Pedophile around young female riders?

Woodhill Sands is a Showjumping and Eventing Centre located in Helensville.

It hosts a range of equestrian events, and has been warned previously of the presence of GNK, a convicted sex offender with a penchant for taking photos of young female riders.

Woodhill Sands had given prior assurances that they would take any and all steps to ensure that the equestrian environment of their centre would not be compromised by the presence of GNK.

Yet what happens today? GNK, in the furtive, dark-sunglassed presence of Hayley Morgan, was spotted today swanning around the Woodhill Sands Showjumping & Eventing Centre.

I would expect some parents of riders attending Woodhill Sands events are going to be asking some pretty hard questions of the Woodhill Sands officials as from today.

There is a reason our child abuse statistics in NZ are so high: it’s because organisations such as Woodhill Sands bury their head in the sand, cross their fingers, and hope for the best, even when furnished with real evidence of real risk – which of course is not in any way a protective factor for the young riders who attend the events.

Thank you to the GNKASS Network member who reported this sighting of GNK.

Update 2/7/12:

I have had an email this morning from Woodhill Sands, who have advised that they will be making contact with the Police regarding GNK attending Showjumping events at their Equestrian Centre – I suspect that the Police will advise Woodhill Sands to trespass GNK from their Centre, as Woodhill Sands are entitled to do as the venue owners and show facilitators. If anyone in the GNKASS Network spots GNK attending ANY other Equestrian events, please let me know, and I will make contact with the respective venues, and invite them to follow WoodHill Sands’ lead on this matter. I would thus expect that GNK will not be attending the next Woodhill Sands Event on 11/7/12.

GNK will eventually learn that I now have eyes everywhere on him.

GNK fond of comedy at Parakai Springs, and building dog runs and kennels at 46B Garfield Rd?

The word is that GNK likes to frequent the regular comedy night at Parakai – often in the company of women old enough to be his daughters (not much older) sisters.

I hear that there is a show tomorrow – and I think that I and  a few of my new-found GNKASS Network friends might just take a drive up and say hello to the person who will actually be the biggest joke in the room on the night – GNK.

It also appears that GNK is running a  kennel-making business from the confines of 46B Garfield Rd, Helensville on the sly – naturally, I expect that neither the Ministry of Economic Development (who have JUST prosecuted GNK for running two businesses without the consent of the Official Assignee), nor the IRD will be aware of this activity – well, they are now 🙂

And we are all aware now that GNK is about as successful at building animal shelters as he is successful in every other area of his life – he’s not.

“Forgotten Felines” paid GNK $900.00 to build a cat shelter that leaked so badly, it couldn’t be used (see Herald On Sunday” article below – click on image to enlarge):

Forgotten Felines Herald Article Follow Up

Who is monitoring this guy’s dodgy activities? If the authorities can’t seem to do so on a regular basis, then it will have to be me, I guess.

GNK has also been caught out and confirmed as assuming the identity of a local teenager, and then posting to this site – which just goes to show (again) what an utter low-life creep GNK really is.

Hey “Fair Go”: come and have a chat with US!

“Fair Go” just ran this story about Robert Block of Kopu Cabins.

Replace the name “Robert Block” with Grant Norman King”, and replace the trading name “Kopu Cabins” with “NZ Sleepouts” and “NZ Kennels” and we have a ready-to-go story for “Fair Go’s”  next TV show:

Now, like GNK, rip-off merchant Robert Block may also be – but I have to give Block  some credit for fronting up to “Fair Go” – can anyone see King summoning their long-lost balls and doing the same?


GNK issues a direct threat to me on his Facebook page.

It would appear that the stress of being cornered like a “sewer rat” has made GNK lose his mind – he is now issuing direct threats to me on his (open) Facebook page.

Such is his apparent insanity and disregard for the welfare and wellbeing of anyone else, he has also posted pictures of his family alongside the threat.

It seems that I am going to have to exercise a greater degree of wisdom than GNK can currently summon, so I will not be linking to GNK’s Facebook page directly.

A copy of the threat however can be found here: GNK Facebook Threat

Now I guess he is going to have to explain himself to the Police – and I know just the Policeman to contact 🙂

Desperate, desperate stuff indeed.

Update: Oh dear, someone really IS upset, not to mention that this second response by GNK confirms the target of the first threat response – me: GNK Facebook Threat 1

Hey, at least now he is posting under his own name – now THAT must be a novel shift for GNK.

I have also secured hard copies of all the posts that were on GNK’s Facebook page, and that have now been removed (including the one of the boat) which I will now be forwarding on to some very interested parties.

GNK leaves an evidence trail that is easier to follow than Hansel & Gretel in the forest.

Hey GNK, the “tough guy” who hides behind anonymous online identities, and anonymous false postings on anonymous blogsites, who hides behind his children when confronted by the consequences of his actions, and who was too scared to leave the court room last week until I was long gone from the building: if you ever wish to meet me face to face and follow up on your Facebook threat – you just let me know – just leave your daughter at home this time, would you?

Here’s a promise for you: Against me , in any facet you may care to name, the evidence to date is now conclusive: I win.

Update 29/6/12: GNK’s threat post against me has now been removed from GNK’s Facebook page – it is unfortunate for GNK that I have the above hard copies as evidence all the same.

The “sook” has also let it slip that he refuses to publish any of my reply comments to his smear site. If this was an episode of Survivor, he wouldn’t even have stepped off the boat and onto the Island, while I would be walking away with the last torch and the cheque.


The process to make a formal “Notice of Claim” in the Disputes Tribunal, District Court, or High Court against GNK.

Thank you to those people who have phoned and emailed me to congratulate me on my success with facilitating GNK to be prosecuted.

To those people who have also made enquiries on what they now need to do to now file their own “Notice of Claim” against GNK.

If the amount of your “Notice of Claim” against GNK is up to $15,000, you can have your Claim & Claim form heard by the Disputes Tribunal.

If the amount of your “Notice of Claim” against GNK is above $15,000, and up to $200,000, the District Court Claim Forms are here, the District Court Rules (2009) claims process is here, and a full copy of the District Court Rules (2009) here.

If your “Notice of Claim” against GNK is above $200,000.00 (and yes, some of the GNKASS Network will fall into this category with GNK), then you will need to file your “Notice of Claim” in the High Court.

A summary of how Courts enforce Judgments is profiled here and  here.

To those parties who may believe that they may have run out of time to serve a Notice of Claim on GNK, this is no longer the case. Plaintiffs may now apply to the District Court to have their Claim considered for a time extension:

District Court Rules (2009):

Extending and shortening time:

  • 1.18.1 The court may, in its discretion, extend or shorten the time allowed by these rules, or fixed by any order, for doing any act or taking any proceeding or any step in a proceeding, on such terms (if any) as the court thinks fit in the interests of justice.

    1.18.2 The court may order an extension of time although the application for the extension is not made until after the expiration of the time allowed or fixed.

The current address for Court Process Servers to formally serve GNK is 46B Garfield Rd, Helensville, Auckland.

I would recommend that those people who now wish to follow in my footsteps and serve GNK formal Court papers do so discreetly. GNK has been (and is) making multiple unsuccessful attempts to smear me online (as is his modus operandi when cornered like a “sewer rat”) however he is trying to hit a “teflon” target.

So let me deal with GNK’s multiple-identity false online smears against me, and you guys get to work on your “Notice of Claim” documentation.