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New Nation Party booted out from Freedoms NZ “Umbrella” Party.

Have a look at this (Click image to enlarge).

As political party billboards begin to adorn the country, one party is conspicuous by its absence.

About 8 weeks ago, The “Freedoms NZ” Party received an evidence bundle regarding the affiliation between Grant Norman King / George Good, and the New Nation Party (NNP).

Readers will recall that NNP had been nominated as a member of the “umbrella” party that Freedoms NZ had morphed into, in time for the 2023 election (click image to enlarge):

Astonishingly, it has been reported that King / Good, a serial fraudster, had been holding a role as Party Treasurer for the New Nation Party.

Well, it seems like Freedoms NZ Party Leaders Brian Tamaki and Sue Grey have recognized the inherent risk of having the New Nation Party anywhere near their brand, and have issued a great big DCM (Don’t Come Monday) to NNP.

NNP is now absent from the “Umbrella Parties & Affiliates” list above on the Freedoms NZ website and absent from the Freedoms NZ political party billboard.

12 years now since this website was launched, and the GNKASS Network is still holding Grant King and anyone who is foolish enough to associate with King, to public scrutiny and account.

The only fact that needs to be established now is just how much coin was tossed away in the New Nations Party’s affiliation with King / Good.

I’m picking that a new GNK expenditure waste record has been set, so we are likely looking high-six-figures.

I am also aware that a number of ex-NNP members read this site, so if anyone has these numbers, please let me know.


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Restraining Order granted against Grant Norman King (AKA George Good) in the Christchurch District Court.

Judge-Judy-Shake-My-Head-Gif_zps66b02891.gif | Bruceb Consulting

From the “Just how much stupid can one person attain in their lifetime” file, I am reviewing a copy of a Restraining Order that has just been granted against Grant Norman King (AKA George Good) in the Christchurch District Court, as an “Associated Respondent”.

I have been asked not to publish the document in full, so I will honor this request, however, I’m frankly stunned by two things:

1/ That King  / Good / Whatever continues to think that he can act with impunity, without (once again) experiencing the law of natural consequence;

2/ That the “Primary Respondent” (no benefit in publishing who the “Primary Respondent is – he is of no importance to me, his reputation is now in tatters, and it’s an easy guess for readers to determine as to who he is anyway) in the matter above ignored my warnings regarding associating with Grant King / George Good in the first place.

Mind you, I suppose that when you have suffered as many brutal take-downs as Grant King has to date, there must come a time when one just throws their hands up in the air in abject defeat and whines “What is one more?”.

Chalk up another win for the GNKASS Network 🙂


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court






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Grant King / George Good makes cameo appearance in “Counterspin” Expose.

Readers may recall posts made on this website pertaining to the New Nation Party and Grant King’s  / George Goods’ involvement in the said party.

Well, knock me down with a proverbial feather: a media organization has finally worked out the connection between Grant King / George Good, the New Nation Party, and Party Founder Micheal Jacomb.

Go to 1 hour 11 minutes:


Chillingly, the reporter states that she was warned (we don’t know by who) to “steer clear” of this connection in her story.

She bravely included it anyway.

This site has been going for coming up 12 years: we are still here, thanks to winning a landmark, precedent-setting Court order for truth and free speech.

If the reporter was able to make this connection – how in the world did Brian Tamaki, Sue Grey, and the Freedoms New Zealand Party miss it?


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Grant King 2023 Photo: Someone needs a haircut.

Thank you to the GNKASS member who was able to snap Mr. King / Good / whatever he is calling himself these days.

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

Looks like Mr. King / Good  / whatever is still keeping the company of Mr. Micheal Jacomb (the bloke sitting next to King / Good).

Mr Jacomb is the current Leader of the New Nation Party who recently joined a coalition of the politically marginalized with Vision NZ and the NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party.

Brian Tamaki & Sue Grey, Leaders of Freedoms New Zealand aren’t going to be happy with this.

PS: This site does not pay for information – the GNKASS Network is vast, wide, and voluntary. Their collective reward is to observe the outcome of sunlight being the best disinfectant.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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National says “No Way” to Brian Tamaki (and George Good / Grant Norman King affiliated) “Umbrella” Party.

Go away stock vector. Illustration of discontent, concept - 44706943

To quote National Party Leader Christopher Luxon this morning:

“What I’ve tried to say consistently is that I’ve got nothing in common with Tamaki. I think they’re crazy, I don’t think they’re serious, I don’t think they’re going to make it and you saw that coalition fall apart if you read between the lines”.

So……………… I guess that is it for the George Good / Grant King-affiliated New Nation Party, Vision NZ, and the Freedom’s Party.

Ended before it ever got started.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


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New Nation Party joins Vision NZ, & Outdoors & Freedom Party in “Umbrella Party” – but no-one told the Outdoors and Freedom Party :/

Homer Simpson D'oh! Blank Template - Imgflip

Oh, dear:


What’s the bet no-one has told the “Bishop” about “George Good”, aka Grant Norman Kings connection to the New Nation Party?

Sounds like “Gods’ Prophet” hasn’t been paying attention.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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What is the connection between “Silent Majority Team New Zealand”, the New Nation Party, and Grant King / George Good?

This video tries to enlighten us regarding the above-vexed question:



Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Is that the sound of knees knocking in the New Nation Party about their involvement with Grant King / George Good?

Stick Figure with Knock-knees Stock Vector - Illustration of care, imprisonment: 77654874

It seems that in a reasonable attempt by me to ask some legitimate questions pertaining to Grant King / George Goods’ involvement in the New Nation Party, I have apparently unleashed a bit of a firestorm within the New Nation Party itself.

However, what I have also unleashed is the receipt of a torrent of corroboratory information pertaining to the who, what, why, how, and when of Grant Kings / George Good’s emerging interest in politics, and specifically, his role within the New Nation Party.

There is so much new data and information to hand, that for now, I am just storing it all, for the purpose of creating a timeline of events, and attaching relevant evidence to this timeline, for future publication on this court order-affirmed website.

Suffice to say that the membership of the GNKASS Network has grown exponentially as a result, and I am very grateful to those new members of the GNKASS Network who have so enthusiastically joined us.

Always important not to bring a knife to a gunfight, isn’t it?


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court



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The Queen v Grant Norman King (April, 2004): The sex offender judgement, conviction, and prison sentence that Grant King told the Sensible Sentencing Trust “never happened” – did.

Judgments — Courts of New Zealand

For the past 11 years, it has been a firm claim of this website that Grant King (aka George Good), amongst many other dodgy and illegal pursuits, is a convicted sex offender.

For this same past 11 years, Grant King (aka George Good) has flat out denied this claim to all and sundry, including to the Sensible Sentencing Trust, on which King had a comprehensive profile on the SST Offender database.

On the basis of the Sensible Sentencing Trust being unable to secure evidence of the specific judgment, the SST was required to amend King’s profile accordingly, by deleting this information pertaining to Grant King’s (aka George Good’s) sexual offender conviction and subsequent prison sentence for the offence.

For the past 11 years, we have been hoping to secure material evidence of this court case and conviction.

This morning, the material evidence of the judgement, conviction, and prison sentence for the sex offences committed by Grant King (aka George Good) arrived in the post.

We are now seeking legal advice on the limits (if any) regarding the publication of this document.

We will keep readers posted – right now, it is sufficient that readers (and Mr King especially) know that after a long wait – we now have the corroborating information we need to affirm our claim that Grant Norman King (aka George Good) is a convicted sex offender.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court



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Is reported New Nation Party Tauranga By-Election candidate Andrew Hollis aware of the company he is keeping?

I have been casting my eyes on the candidates for the upcoming 2022 Tauranga By-Election.

I note that a Mr Andrew Hollis has been named as the candidate for the New Nation Party to contest the seat.

I then came across this Facebook post, in which George Good. aka Grant Norman King features in the commentary, ostensibly bragging about owning a specific type of car.

(Click image to expand)

You will note that Mr Andrew Hollis is included in the message replies on the “George Goods” Facebook page.

This revelation again raises the question: what involvement (if any) does “George Good” aka Grant Norman King have with the New Nation Party, and is Mr Hollis, the New Nation Party Candidate for the Tauranga By-Election, aware of the very dodgy company he is keeping in George Good?

Just what is going on here?

The plot does seem to be thickening at an alarming rate.

These are the scheduled meetings being held by Mr Hollis as part of his Tauranga By-Election campaign: could I encourage any GNKASS Tauranga-based members to attend one of these meetings, and assist with bringing Mr Hollis up to date on this issue.

I might even take a drive down myself.

Tuesday 10 May
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Tauranga Citizens Club
Thirteenth Avenue

Wednesday 18 May
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Bethlehem Hall
239 Tamatea Arikinui Dr

Wednesday 25 May
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Mt Maunganui Rugby Club
Miro Street

Wednesday 1 June
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Bethlehem Hall
239 Tamatea Arikinui Dr

Wednesday 8 June
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Matua Hall
110 Levers Road

Tuesday 14 June
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Tauranga Citizens Club
Thirteenth Avenue


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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11 years on, and (consistently unsuccessful) attempts are still being made by Grant King (or someone) to shut down this website :)

A member of the GNKASS network has bought to my attention a recent Google notification that appears when someone searches the term “Grant King” in the Google Search engine:


The Google Search Notification

(Click on image to expand)

What is fascinating about this revelation is the words “court order”.

Here is the Google summary of their (redacted) decision:

The Google Decision Summary

(Click on image to expand)

There is indeed a Court order, but one that ratifies the legitimacy of this site, not its deletion.

It would appear that in 2020, someone advised Google that there was a Court order that deemed that a number of links relating to Grant Norman King should be taken down.

It is also apparent that Google did not remove key browser links to Grant Norman King, as the 1st page of the Google search result reveals.

The questions, therefore, are these:

1/ Why, after 9 years, would (someone) make an appeal to Google to remove browser links related to Grant Norman King, and why would Google then remove some of these links, in contravention of an actual New Zealand Court order that affirms these same links?

2/ What significant event was happening in or around 2020, that motivated (someone) to go to such great (yet ineffective) steps to hide Grant Norman King (aka George Good), from the public eye?

3/ Are the links that were removed linked to Grant King’s alter alias of “George Good”, and, if so, whose interests would have been served by the name “George Good” not being associated with Grant Norman King?

If anyone has any further information on this topic, I would be glad to hear from you 🙂


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court



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An introduction to the “New Nation” Party.

This is a helpful introduction to the New Nation Party.

Apparently, the Party (as yet reportedly un-registered with the Electoral Commission) began life as the New National Party, which then morphed into the New Nation Party.

Lucas Lormans of Kiwi Voice was the interviewer, and the video is in the public domain on the NNP Facebook page:


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Who is the “New Nation” Party, and what (if any) association does the organisation have with George Good (aka Grant Norman King)?


The soapbox and encryption. Why the tools of free speech matter. | by Will Nash | Medium

The GNKASS Network has fired up again recently, this time with some information pertaining to Mr Good / King allegedly being involved in a political party startup.

The name “New Nation Party” or “New National Party” has been raised, alongside the names of various people involved in the initiative.

I have now received information from three independent sources to date, all telling (broadly) the same story.

With Grant King still on the Insolvency Office Bankruptcy Register, one hopes that he is still abiding by the rules of his indefinite bankruptcy:


If anyone has any information pertaining to the above, could they please email me at dylan316@maxnet.co.nz.

As has been the case since 2011, all correspondence will be treated in strictest confidence, and posts to this website will encompass the usual “permission to publish” protocols.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court



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Unsolved Murders, Disappearances & Injustice Facebook group unwittingly hosting “George Good” (aka Grant Norman King)

Homer Simpson's reaction | Computer Reaction Faces | Know Your Meme

The word “irony” has been defined as “a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result”.

Such is the state of affairs over at the Unsolved Murders, Disappearances & Injustice Facebook group:


It seems that Grant King, posting under the years-old pseudonym of “George Good”, a convicted sex offender and multiply-convicted fraudster, is posing as a self-styled justice warrior.

Even worse, under his current Facebook page, King has set himself up as some sort of sick paragon of virtue, decrying a type of crime category that he himself has committed against a minor:


Thank you to another member of the “GNK Army” who bought this to our attention:

George Good has been prolifically posting on the website “Unsolved Murders Disappearances and Injustice”.

He pretends he is high and mighty on the above website, outlining his comments to all and sundry in hundreds and hundreds of Posts yet here he is a convicted fraudster and sex offender himself who has lined himself up with  (Name redacted) from (location redacted).

I think you should post on this Facebook page that George Good is really Grant King with this long line of criminal behaviour has been posting on so everyone can see him for what he really is”.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Request for updated Photo of Grant Norman King (AKA “George Good” & “George Melrose”)

If anyone in Taumarunui has an up-to-date photo of Grant King, could you please email it to me at dylan316@maxnet,co.nz

I will keep your identity anonymous when I post it up.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Grant King (AKA “George Good”) up for sale on Taumarunui “Buy & Sell” Facebook page

Hopefully the Taumarunui Buy & Sell Facebook page moderators will do their 4.3k members a public service, and let this ad run – they will save their community much heartache as a result.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


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Calling “George Good” (AKA Grant King) , Taumarunui’s “Wreck-it Ralph”

Wreck-It Ralph 2 Details from Director Rich Moore | Collider


Remember “Fixit Felix”?

Felix was the cartoon builder in the movie Wreck-it Ralph.

When Ralph would break things, Felix would make all things right again.

Not so “George Good” (Grant King).

“George Good” POSES as Fixit Felix, but he is really Wreck-It Ralph in disguise.

Some reported recent examples form Taumarunui include:

a/ Grant King posing as a mentor to a young vulnerable woman, when in reality Grant is preying on her;

b/ Grant King pretending to be a mighty local business owner, when in reality he is a 3-time indefinite bankrupt, and has just been given the arse by a local Maori Trust;

c/ Grant King name-dropping local high profile entities to all and sundry, when in reality he is simply grooming his next commercial “mark” (Doneright Movers? Caveat Emptor).

As I have said on a number of occasions over the years, I have eyes everywhere, and it seems “George Good” needs to be reminded of this from time to time.

Such as now.

Word to the wise in Taumarunui: The next time “George Good” introduces himself as “George Good”, ask him to produce some verifiable identity – you will find you are in fact talking to Grant Norman King (Wreck-it Ralph).

And that should make you very cautious indeed.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


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The verdict is in – this site stays up, until Grant King stops breathing.

Image result for warning


Further to my last post, when I was considering taking this site down, I have been recently reminded as to why this site needs to remain live.

I received a communication from a person from Taumarunui (Grant Kings latest residence) berating me for allegedly “publishing untrue information” about Grant King.

Scratching the surface revealed that this person was a female solo mother, who has a young daughter, and was someone who King had “been helping”.

In other words, an exact match to the common target profile that Grant King sets his sights on, before going in for the monetary or sexual thrill “kill”.

I have warned her, and (I am assuming she can read what is on this site) that is all I can do.

However, if I ever needed evidence, that, almost 9 years after this site was launched, it still serves a purpose, then this communication with this woman did it for me.

For as long as Grant King is drawing breath – this site will remain live.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court



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To shut down, or to not not shut down this website?

Approximately 8.5 years ago, a 32-year career criminal by the name of Grant Norman King, who had dramatically harmed the lives of 69 other fraud victims causing approximately $3.5 million dollars in fraud, chose to do the same to victim # 70 (me).

I was to be his last victim, and the consequences of King choosing me as a target proved (and still prove) to be a disaster for him.

So, what to do now?

After 8.5 years, King has experienced extensive media exposure, a raft of criminal convictions (including a jail sentence), an indefinite bankruptcy, and in indefinite restraining order.

There has also been no further reports of King committing any new criminal acts since this website went live in 2011.

Has this website done its job, or would the removal of the website (it’s online presence statutorily reinforced by a landmark court order), simply invite King to begin re-offending, safe from Google’s ever-present eyes?

I’m thinking these things through, and would welcome any feedback on this musing.



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Grant King in Wellington, living with Sequoia King? Yes, says Instagram, No, says Taumarunui.

My goodness, Grant “Gypsy Pants” King is certainly living up to his name recently.

A spell in Whangaparaoa with his Mum, followed by a stint in Taumarunui with one of his elder daughters, a brief stop-off in Auckland, followed by a “hunkering down” in Wellington with another daughter.

As a publically disclosed beneficiary, King will have needed to provide Work & income NZ with a permanent residential address in order to meet obligation criteria for receiving same.

Hopefully, he is keeping his WINZ Case Manager advised of his nomadic wanderings (we will let them know, just to be sure).

If King wants to remain under the radar, then having photos of him petting a cat being posted onto Instagram, which then discloses his whereabouts, probably wasn’t his smartest move.

Taumarunui still seems to be Grant Kings current domicile.

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Is Grant King back in Helensville?

It seems a number of sources are reporting that Grant King may have now moved out of Taumarunui, and back into 46K Garfield Rd in Helensville.

I am aware that there was a growing negative community pressure in Taumarunui against King’s presence, but up until very recently, I wasn’t aware that this pressure had resulted in an outcome.

If my “eyes on the ground” people in Helensville have any information pertaining to he above possibility, please let me know.



Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Auckland District Court grants indefinite Restraining Order against Grant Norman King

In a Judgment that was delivered in just 8 days from the date of the Court Hearing, the Auckland District Court has granted an indefinite Restraining Order against Grant King.

The application for the Restraining Order was made by me, against Grant King, and for the second time, I have been successful in winning in Court against this callous and unrepentant individual.

Since 2011, Grant King has been making anonymous false and defamatory posts about me in various online forums, in a longitudinal attempt to try and attack and discredit me.

King did this in retaliation to me exposing his criminal past, and because I have assisted various statutory agencies to secure 12 convictions (including an 18 month jail sentence) against King between 2011 -2016.

To put this number in context: these 12 convictions represent 25% of Kings total conviction tally to date.

King had engaged in a similar vicious smear tactic against Rocna Anchors some years ago, when he was fired for theft and embezzlement, and then King subsequently anonymously posted false and defamatory information about Rocna Anchors.

This action against Rocna bought the company to its knees in a commercial sense, and in those days, it was well nigh impossible to fight back.

Not anymore.

The Court has instructed King to not only cease and desist his online posting activity, they have ordered King to remove any and all posts related to me.

Failure by King to comply with the Court Order will result in either jail time, or significant and ongoing fines for non-compliance.

What was King’s defence?

Are you ready for this?

(Ahem): “It wasn’t me”.

Sadly for King, the Judge didn’t buy it, and awarded the decision in my favour.

King had to drive the better part of 300km from Taumarunui to attend the Hearing (and then 300 km back home), and even tried to have the matter adjourned until December 2017, but to no avail.

The Restraining Order is indefinite, so if King EVER posts anything about me again, anywhere, and under any name – he is toast.



Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Grant King facing Harassment Act application in District Court


More on this later – it’s in process.




Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Remember this name: Richard Craven (he could be Grant Kings apprentice-in-waiting).

“Fair Go” has just exposed this guy as a Class A rip-off artist in West Auckland:


The callous arrogance and dismissive attitude of the man towards his clients who he has ripped off will be familiar to readers of this website.

Richard “No Shame” Craven: An “odd-job” man who appears to be a complete tool.

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Sensible Sentencing Trust Offenders Database “Go Live” on Grant Norman Kings sexual offences against a minor.

It’s live:


Waihi & Taumarunui readers – you now have your proof – now, guard your kids.

Grant Kings’ adult daughters Emma King & Sequoia King should be utterly ashamed of themselves in their local defence of their pedophile father.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Sensible Sentencing Trust (SST) about to “go live” on Grant “cry-baby” Kings sexual offences against a minor.

Grant King has been spinning like a wobbly top recently, trying to convince all and sundry that he was never the subject of sexual offence charges against a minor (i.e. a convicted pedophile) in 2004.

As always, King is about to be taken to the cleaners for trying to dupe those around him.

A “taster” of what is coming:

R V Grant Norman King at (    ) District Court, TO21957, Dated 8 April 2004.

Convicted of 2 counts of Indecent Assault involving a girl aged between 12 and 16.

Count 1: 6 months imprisonment.

Count 2: 12 months imprisonment.

Both sentences served concurrently.

Judge did not consider King suitable for home detention.

Judge SG Lockhart, QC

According to the people who were at the Hearing and Sentencing, King blubbed like a baby as he was led away.

Once the SST Offenders Database on Grant King is live, this website will link to it.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


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“Desperate is as desperate does”: Grant King appeals to Netsafe & the Harmful Digital Communications Act to have this website shut down.


I received a call today from Netsafe, who have been charged with the responsibility of managing applications from individuals who are allegedly distressed by online information about them, under the Harmful Digital Communications Act.

It seems that Mr Grant King has made an application for a “take-down” notice to Netsafe regarding this website, because Mr King claims the site has posted either quote “false allegations” about King, and /  or that Mr King is suffering quote “serious emotional harm” as a result of the information on this website, and /or that Mr King feels quote “threatened” by this website.

Absent in Kings application to Netsafe was any self-awareness about the false allegations, serious emotional (and financial) harm, and threats that King has invoked upon his 72 (known) victims in his 32 year criminal history.


We’ve been here before.

Remember this?


King failed to convince a District Court Judge of these claims in 2014, and if it is of any use to Netsafe, here is a copy of that Judgment:

King v Taylor Court Decision Harrassment Mini File

All that King managed to achieve in his previous attempt to shut this website down was an avalanche of affidavits from his many, many victims, and embedded media attention on a scale that far and away exceeded the reach of this website.

So…………it seems King wants to have another go at shutting this website down, despite not once requesting any corrections or amendments to any information on this website, in the six years this website has been running.

OK then – batter up.

My recommendation to Netsafe is to kick this one straight to the Courts – I already have the press release ready to go.


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court


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Grant King confirmed to be living at 15B Tumoana St, Taumarunui (at least for now).

A number of local parents have now made contact with this website asking for further details of Grant Kings 2004 conviction for sex offences against a minor.

This website is unable to release the court documents without identifying the victim, however if parents wish to make contact with the victims family, please leave your details in the comments section of this post and we can pass your details onto the family for them to contact you.

As all post comments are moderated before being published, there is no risk of your details being published on this website, unless you give us consent to do so.

Please label your enquiry “Not for publication” in the email text box of your query.

15 Tumoana St, Taumarunui (source: Google maps).


Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

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Courageous “Wahine Toa” from Taumarunui is onto Grant King.

Image result for possum in headlights

“Like a possum caught in the headlights – so are the days of Grant Kings life”

The beauty of this network of over 70 victims of Grant Kings 32 years criminal history is that it is very, very motivated to see justice done when it comes to Grant King.

Another feature of the network is that it is simply EXCELLENT at recruiting new advocates to the cause.

One such example is a lady by the name of Paulette Ata, who has discovered that Mr Grant King has popped up just across from her house in Taumarunui:


True to form, as soon as King gets sprung, he trolls this website with a host of false identities, trying to pretend to be a host of different people while he desperately attempts to cover his tracks.

Too late, Ponyboy – Taumarunui is onto you, and particularly the lady above.

It’s a pity to hear that Sequoia King, Grant Kings daughter is down there with him – we are guessing that the new relationship and  the job didn’t work out, huh?



Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

 Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

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Has Mr Grant Norman King moved to Taumarunui now?

Information from the GNKASS Network has just come in, which indicates Mr Grant “Gypsy pants” King has made yet another geographical move, this time (reportedly) to the town of Taumarunui:

Word also has it that King, a convicted paedophile, has moved into Tumoana Street, in Taumarunui – have a look at the location of the local primary and intermediate schools in relation to Tumoana St, which is highlighted in red below:

Map of Tumoana St, Taumarunui 3920

We will check this lead out a little further and update accordingly.

Update 24/2/17:

It seems that Grant “Gypsy pants” King is doing the rounds of the ever-decreasing circle of family members that will still speak to him, and that he may simply be visiting, as opposed to residing in Taumarunui.

A recently abandoned (by King) court case had King’s address on the court paperwork firmly ensconced in Whangamata, so we will assume for the meantime that he is still living with family there.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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He scuttles here, he scuttles there, Grant King scuttles everywhere……but there is just no escape.

If there is one thing that readers have learned about Grant King over the past 5 years, it is that anything or anyone that King comes into contact with, experiences damage of some sort – we were no exception to this rule.

This damage can be commercial, financial, personal, and in the case of Grant Kings repeated sexual grooming and assault upon minor females, both physical and psychological.

Recently, Grant “Levy Ponyboy” King scuttled away to Whangamata to serve out the rest of his 18 month jail sentence, and is now reportedly living with family.

No doubt thinking he was safe from the GNKASS Network, King then went about trying to once again create another victim of what we in the network have termed”GNK Syndrome”.

The trouble for King was – the GNKASS Network (which now includes members from the Bay of Plenty)  got wind of what King was up to, and stepped in to assist.

King was stopped before he even got traction on his latest attempt of extortion.

Delightfully, we now hold all the correspondence King used in his attempt to victimise another innocent party.

Again, in little words so that Mr King is able to maximise his understanding of his on-going predicament:

We have eyes everywhere:



Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd





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A message to Grant King from the Morgan Family: Stay gone.

The following message is from the family of Hayley Morgan:

“Hayley is now living with her family and working to start a new life and does not wish to have any involvement with Grant King. We don’t want Grant to be able to take away Hayley’s enjoyment of Horses and competing, so we are asking people in the horse circles to help keep an eye out for Hayley and let Grant know he is not welcome at horse events”.

Hopefully “Levi Ponyboy” will get the message, even all the way from Whangamata.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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What is the connection (if any) between Grant King, and Whangamata?

The GNKASS Network information line has been running hot over the past few days.

Most of the information has been (as usual) sent to the various statutory organisations that this website has shared information with, going right back to 2011.

This piece of information though is intriguing, as Whangamata is just 30km away from Waihi.



Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Sensible Sentencing Trust file on Grant Norman King (currently being updated)


 Grant  King

Please note: This is a limited view of this offenders information. For more information, please view desktop version.


Full Name

Grant Norman King


NZ Herald storyhere

His latest activities are detailed in this NZ Herald storyhere

More further information may be foundhereabout some of his other activities including a very extensive history of fraud,amounting to somewhere in the vicinity of two million dollars in total

His latest bankruptcy (his third) is coming to closure soon,story here

King was recently convicted (again) of 6 charges of running a business whilst a bankrupt (Tern Anchors).
His DPB fraud detailedhere

From the Sunday Star Times 25th May 2014

A fraudster’s victim who fought back has won a landmark battle to name and shame the man who scammed him and dozens of others. Nearly two and a half years ago, Steve Taylor contracted Grant Norman King to build a sleepout for his elderly father behind the family home in West Auckland. Taylor paid three-quarters of the price – $23,500 – as a deposit. The sleepout was never built and the money was not returned. In a bid to get even, Taylor brought civil proceedings against King but when the cost of continuing the case became prohibitive, he took a different tack, setting up the website grantnormanking.com with the intention of warning others who might be drawn in.

Within months other victims were clamouring to tell their stories and it was not long before Taylor built a comprehensive timeline of King’s offending. King then tried to turn the legal tables on Taylor by using the Harassment Act to sue Taylor and demand the website be taken down. Taylor was forced into Auckland District Court to defend himself. However, that was King’s mistake. “What he did was open up the opportunity for every other victim to tell their story, which was the very thing he was advocating against,” Taylor said. Affidavits in support of Taylor’s cause flooded in and he said it was surreal to be standing in court with the public gallery full of people backing him.

In court Judge David Wilson sided with Taylor and said the website, with all its explosive accusations, could remain online. “It would be inappropriate if a man in Mr King’s position could close down postings of essentially factual material on the basis that it interferes with his commercial plans and deprives him of customers,” the judge said. “I accept Mr King is distressed by the postings but in my view that distress arises because he would prefer potential customers were unaware of his history and is not such as justifies the making of restraining orders.” Lawyer Madeleine Flannagan, who advised Taylor and has been the victim of online harassment herselft, said the judge’s decision showed free speech was alive and well.

She said the unique nature of the case, setting a new precedent in harassment laws, meant it was already being used by media law professors at Auckland University. Taylor’s website also resulted in King being punished. Since setting up the website, Taylor said more than 70 victims had come forward, across a 32-year span, claiming losses of more than $3 million. As a result, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry of Social Development began their own investigations, which ultimately led to eight convictions against King for fraud. According to Taylor’s timeline, the pattern of dishonesty started when King was convicted of receiving stolen vehicles in 1982. Taylor vowed to continue his campaign against the scammer, whom he labelled “a classical sociopath”.

King rejected the criticism of him and said he was now working as a salesman for a bike company, putting his criminal past behind him. “I have moved on and I do not deserve the sort of treatment that he’s [Taylor] given me,” he said. “I’ve been kicked from one end of the country to the other by this guy for two years with absolute bullshit mixed in with a little bit of fact and I’ve had enough of it.” He was defeated in the recent court hearing because of the “presentation of the case”, King said, but it was not his only way of hitting back at the blogger. “I’m not going to say what my next step is because I’m not going to telegraph that,” he said. Taylor was sceptical of King’s claim he had changed his ways. “I’ve been relentless in the pursuit of justice . . . I don’t think he’s going to stop, but neither am I,” he said.

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Multiple minors groomed by Grant King for sex, 1 minor tied to a bed by Grant King when she tried to leave, yet Helensville Police say “it’s a civil matter”

Does this image shock you?

Because there are others I could have uploaded that would have told a much more graphic story.

It seems that with Grant King out of prison and now on electronic bail, there are a number of young women who, having now had sufficient distance from the “Stockholm Syndrome” of being in Grant Kings clutches, are now coming forward and sharing their stories of their awful experiences with King.

The trouble is, when the young women and their families then reportedly attempt to make complaints against Grant King at the Helensville Police Station, the families are telling this website that the Helensville Police fob them off with the oft-used catch-phrase when it comes to Kings offending, “your complaint is a civil matter”.

The background:

In 2004, King was sent to prison for the sexual assault of a minor.

Long story short, King kidnapped a young minor woman he had been grooming, took her away to a motel, and spent the weekend sexually assaulting her.

Post-prison sentence, Grant King then groomed a then-14 year old Hayley Morgan (again via horses) whose family were neighbours of Grant King, and who for years refused to believe that King was sexually grooming their daughter.

King would (and still does) pretend to the authorities that he was / is acting in a “care-giver” role for Hayley – they ended up being in a relationship for many years, and word is that this relationship has recently resumed.

Fast forward to Helensville, circa 2011-16.

During this time, King has ingratiated himself into the “horsie” set, and has favoured Woodhill Sands as his preferred hunting ground for prey.

Woodhill Sands of course has been repeatedly warned about Grant King and his paedophile background, but they have continued to entertain him.

Now, there are  (at least) 4 young women that we  know have been groomed by Grant King in recent times, who have made themselves known to this website.

Their story is exactly the same.

King will give the girls money, time, and horses, whilst simultaneously be-friending the young girls families.

Over time, King works to either isolate the young girls in a setting away from their family and friends, or will attempt to drive a divisive wedge between the young girl and her family, whilst positioning himself as “someone who understands” what the young girl might be going through (which is most often just teenage angst).

At times, King has even been successful in having young girls “choose” to live with him in his “care-giving” role.

One young lady reportedly made this decision to move in with King, and when she tried to leave the house because she was frightened for her safety, King tied her to a bed and wouldn’t let her go.

Now older and wiser, these young women are now summoning the courage to speak up about what happened, and they want to be able to file formal criminal charges of sexual assault against Grant King – but the young women say that the Helensville Police refuse to take their criminal complaints.

So, what is actually going on?

Maybe a representative of the Helensville Police Station could give me a call and give their side of the story?

In the meantime, there is a bunch of young women who are keen to talk to local Police – about criminal, not civil matters.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd



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Grant King reportedly now in Waihi.

It seems it is now the Bay of Plenty to which Mr Grant King has turned his feral attention:

Map of Waihi

Word is that King has moved out of Helensville and into Waihi township.

Appropriate notifications are now being sent to various contacts within the area, including local media, and the Police.

What’s very interesting to me is the activities Mr King is now apparently engaged in, whilst on community detention via electronic monitoring.

Out of jail in September 2016, and soon to be back in trouble again just two months later.

Still using the nzsleepouts@gmail.com email address, and the (022) 018-9290 mobile phone number too, I see.

Dumber than a sack of hammers.

More later.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Beware Helensville – Grant King has been released back into your community (with an ankle bracelet).

Yes, after spending 9 months inside Mt Eden Prison, Grant King will be serving the remaining 50% of his 18 month sentence on community detention with an ankle bracelet for company.

Let’s see how long Mr King can keep on the straight and narrow from here on in.

The latest family photo:


The GNKASS Network has about a dozen pairs of eyes on him in various places, so no doubt if there is anything to report, we will hear about it.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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NZ Herald Article 26/5/16 on Grant Kings Jail Sentence at Waitakere District Court


The delay in this story being published by the NZ Herald ( a big thanks to NZ Herald reporter Rob Kidd for following this story up, and keeping up with developments) was the attempted (and then abandoned) High Court Appeal by King.

Here is the link to the NZ Herald article:


This is the hard copy article:

King Jail Sentence      King Jail Sentence 1

(Click images to enlarge)

The “40 previous convictions” piece in the article will certainly come as a surprise to many, as it is likely that King had a string of offences to his name when he ripped off his later victims.

Here is the full 2015 Conviction Summary of Grant King:

Grant King 2015 Verdict Waitakere District Court

Here is the 2015 Sentencing Judgment of Grant King:

Jail Sentence Judgment Dec 2015

Here is the 2015 High Court Public Examination Judgment of Grant King:

CIV-2010-404-1124 06-03-2015 Grant King High Court Public Examination Judgment


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Buyer Beware regarding Trident Cycles Landlord Caleb Jacksons “dump and run” sale at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville.


A person by the name of Emily Dickson has posted a “crazy, crazy, crazy” post on the Helensville Community Facebook page regarding a sale at the now defunct Trident Cycles at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville.

The biggest concern is that the Chinese owners of Trident (Pang Bei investments) are shutting up shop in NZ, so anyone who buys a Trident bike will be unable to claim on any supposed warranty, and they won’t be able to source any parts if their bike breaks down, as there won’t be any NZ agency to contact.

The sale is a classic “dump and run” exercise that businesses do when they are exiting a territory or country.

The Trident bikes also do not meet NZ manufacturing and safety standards – Pang Bei simply imports them and then loads them onto Trade Me – well, they did, until I was able to get their Trade Me shop shut down.

It’s buyer beware out there Helensville – buyer beware.

Update 6/2/16:

It appears that the bikes have been re-possessed by 103 Mill Rd Helensville owner and Landlord Caleb Jackson, and are being sold to recoup lost lease costs.

In 2013, I attempted to warn Mr Jackson about leasing space to Grant King – I was told by Mr Jackson to go away.

In the District Court trial in which Grant King was convicted, Mr Jackson stated under oath that when he took on Grant King and Trident Cycles as a tenant, he “didn’t care who the tenant was, as long as I was getting my money”.

It sounds like Mr Jackson didn’t “get his money” after all, and is now yet another victim of “GNK Syndrome”.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd



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Grant King appealing his District prison sentence Judgment – Auckland High Court, Friday 5/2/16, 9am


Prison life can’t be agreeing too well with Grant King.

King has filed an appeal against his jail sentence, and this appeal will be heard tomorrow, 5/2/16, at 9am, Auckland High Court, Waterloo Quadrant.

King has filed his appeal from behind bars, having been denied both bail and grounds for an appeal at his December 2015 sentencing in the Waitakere District Court.

Update 5/2/15:

King was escorted into Court by a Security guard (King having first been delivered to Court from Mt Eden Prison) and appeared for an Appeals Call-over today at 9am.

King is wanting to appeal his sentence, and his bail refusal.

The Judge has set down a 1 day hearing for Monday 22/2/16 for Kings appeal.

On leaving, King sullenly declared “I’ve already spent 2 months in custody”.

Kings current release date from prison is September 9th 2016, after which time he will spend 9 months on Home Detention with an ankle bracelet, completing the 18 months sentence he was handed on 9/12/15.

Gee – 2 whole months already.



Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd







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After dropping over $300k into their Grant King-led businesses and achieving just $5838.00 in sales, the Chinese investors finally give it away: Goodbye Wei Li, Jun Ma, Stone Shu, Candy Tang, Pang Bei Investments, Tern Anchor, & Trident Cycles.

We have our next entry into the catalogue of businesses who have suffered “GNK Syndrome” when allowing their business interests to have anything to do with the now-jailed Grant Norman King.

I guess we know who now has the blue Crewman, judging by the photos below:

Tern Anchor & Trident Cycle Removal from 103 Mill Rd Helensville

Well done GNKASS Network: that is now 4 illegally managed businesses being run by Grant King that we have been able to meaningfully contribute to shutting down 🙂


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Mike Edmonds & Karina-Mihaka Edmonds (Grant Kings long-term stolen goods receivers) make the news, using stolen money and products to claim “self-sufficiency”.


(Click image to enlarge)

Sarah Harris from Stuff should dig a little deeper into these two, and she would discover that they are both:

  • Bankrupts
  • Thieves
  • Con artists
  • Tax cheats
  • Multiple current debtors (especially around “home renovation” projects).
  • Have a mutual history of domestic violence (especially Karina – very, very fond of her hands, is Ms Mihaka).

As a former client of the Mihakas has written:

Mike Edmonds claims to be a builder, but has minimal abilities in this field.

What he does have is the gift of the gab which makes him sound convincing.

Do not give him unsupervised access to you home – he and the “workers” he employs will help themselves to your property.

Don’t be fooled by by his stories, it’s just him trying to gain your confidence.

What building he does really doesn’t impress the Council Building Inspector.

He’s not beyond doing plumbing, gas fitting, and electrical work, all well below par and will need doing properly by registered/qualified trades people so it is compliant and covered by your insurance.

He likes to circumvent any regulatory authority and passes the so called “savings” onto you, when in reality he charges less because he’s not worth much more than the minimum wage, pockets 100%; pays no tax on this cash income and you’ve become complicit in something illegal.

Meanwhile he siphons off building materials from your job to others he has on the go.

His terms of endearment are not at all flattering, nor is his breath which suggests he’s full of sh**t, because that is what it smells of!

Karina Mihaka has the balls and bash in their relationship.

Apparently, she controls Mike on a shot leash that can lead to the odd black eye if he stands up to her.

She runs a 2bit company called Troubleshooting Builders which like the name, leads to trouble – sub contracted to Spencer Henshaw doing maintenance and repairs on Housing NZ homes.

How does a bankrupt do this? 

Better still how does a Company doing Goverment (tendered) contracts fail to do their homework on sub contractors?

They now have another company Off the Grid, their foray into self sufficiency and accompanying publicity is just a front to advance their business.

They may offer guarantees but the reality is will they be around in a year or two?

Doubt it.

My advice to anyone with the idea of dealing with these two Muppets on any level is to run, run, run because if you don’t it will cost you dearly in the long run, one way or another.


Editor update:

Sarah Harris from Fairfax Media, and Spencer Henshaw Builders have now been advised of the situation at hand – I trust they will take care of their Consumer populations appropriately, and not allow the Mihakas to create even more fraud victims.

Editor update 1/2/16:

It seems the Mihakas are a wee bit upset about this post (well, Karina is, and being the mouth AND the trousers in the relationship, she has, in true Karina Mihaka style, completely lost the plot – thanks to my “eyes in the sky” for bringing this to my attention, and please see the “Reply” section of this post for some truly vintage Mihaka prose):



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Insolvency Officer contact details if you have information pertaining to Grant King.

A number of people have provided information over the years regarding Grant King.

If any reader wishes to forward any information about Grant King that they believe may be helpful to the Insolvency Office, please email helen.langley@mbie.govt.nz who is handling the Grant King file.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Can someone, anyone, please explain to me why Grant “Paedophile” King has been providing “care-giving assistance” to vulnerable young women in the Helensville / Parakai area, and why the Helensville A & P Showgrounds and the Helensville Pony Club continue to give Grant King open access to his next victims?

They say a picture speaks a 1000 words:


(Click image to enlarge)

We all know who the guy on the left is.

The young girl next to him is Krystal Gurnett.

The girl next to her is Cheyanne Blair Cage-Brown.

The woman with her faced obscured?

That would be Krystal’s mother.

The venue for the photo is the Helensville A & P Show Grounds, and the event is a Helensville Pony Club meeting.

(Note: Despite multiple warnings over the past 4 years being sent to these two organisations about Grant Kings sex offender convictions, it appears both organisations are quite happy for a convicted child molester to be mixing with their members, guests, parents, ands children).

According to the GNK “Tip-line”, Grant King has been providing “care-giving” services to Krystal & Cheyanne.

Grant King also provides access to his horses for these two girls, and often takes one or both out to dinner and other social events.

Krystal has also reportedly been seen in the community working with Grant King at Trident Cycles (103 Mill Rd, Helensville).

This situation sounds both awfully, awfully familiar, and very, very dangerous for the young women concerned.

As readers of this website will be aware, Grant Kings current partner is Hayley Morgan.

Hayley is currently 28, and was groomed by Grant King from the age of 14 within the local horse riding fraternity, while Grant King was still married to Katherine Denz, Sequoia Kings mother.

In 2004, Grant King was sent to prison for the sexual violation of a minor (an assault shockingly assisted by one of Grant Kings own daughters, in terms of the initial set-up).

Now we discover that Grant King is now grooming not one, but two vulnerable young women – again, from within the horse riding fraternity, and with the apparent blissful ignorance of at least one of the parents.

The abject failure of the duty of care being shown by the Helensville A & P Showgrounds & The Helensville Pony Club also now beggars belief.

While I am thankful that Grant King is now in prison, and can’t get access to women young enough to be his grandchildren, I, and it appears a number of other locals have, and are now raising concerns regarding these matters.

I am hopeful that the parents of these young women read this post.

Be angry with me if you like for publishing this post, but for goodness sake – start protecting your children from Helensvilles’ most infamous predator – Grant Norman King.

If it takes you being angry with me in order for you to take some action to protect your kids – then so be it.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd




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So, what’s it going to be like in a NZ Prison for Grant Norman King?

Here is a recent NZ media article that gives us a pretty good summary:


The first night would have most likely resulted in King getting the standard “new cell resident” beating from the existing cellmate he will be double-bunking with.

Such an exercise sets the tone for cell and prison population hierarchy.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd


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Grant King is now in prison – but where has he stored the companies products?

This is a request for information for anyone who may know the answer to the above question.

We know Grant King moved the product last week from 103 Mill Rd, Helensville:

GNK Dec 2015

And we know it was Trident Cycles products:

GNK Dec 2015 (2)

What we don’t (yet) know, is………….where is it?

Please email me on dylan316@maxnet.co.nz if you can assist?


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd


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GOTCHA! Grant Norman King sentenced to 18 months Jail in Waitakere District Court this afternoon for (again) running a business whilst a bankrupt.


It’s taken 4 years, 329 website posts, 14 convictions (secured between 2011 and 2015 against King), 3 Statutory investigations by two Ministries of the Crown, 1 landmark Legal case precedent win, 8 media articles, the support and assistance of key King fraud victims and dozens of GNKASS (Grant Norman King Accountability Support Society) supporters, most of whom I have never met, who have been our eyes and ears in the field – but we did it!

Grant Norman King spends his first night tonight in Mt Eden Prison, beginning an 18 month term of imprisonment.

The end, when it came, was a pathetic display by Grant King, as he simpered, pleaded, and tried to manipulate the Judge and the legal system one last time.

In the dock, King pleaded “mitigating circumstances” – the Judge said “None that warrant consideration in this matter”;

King then tried “humanitarian grounds on basis of looking after dependent (19 and 27 years of age is dependent?) young women” – the Judge said “You should have thought of that before you committed your crimes”;

King then had a go at the “It’s coming up to Christmas, can we take the time of year into consideration?” -the Judge said “We don’t decide different sentences on the basis of the time of year, but on the basis of the law and the appropriate legal precedents / authorities – every authority I have canvassed says you should receive a jail sentence”.

Then it was “I don’t want to be 62 years-old and on the scrapheap, I was just being entrepreneurial and didn’t mean any harm to anyone – I just made a mistake” – the Judge said “You are a brazen and recidivist offender who conducts a charade of outward compliance whilst misleading the authorities, and you have a long history of offending, characterised by a strong sense of entitlement towards other peoples money”.

Kings last attempt at some sort of freedom then lay with his Amicus to assist the Court, who suggested that a sentence of Home Detention would meet the “deterrence” requirement for King to change his ways, whilst protecting the public – the Judge said “Home Detention is an inadequate sentencing for this level of offending”.

Immediately on being sentenced on 6 jail term convictions (all to be served concurrently, the longest sentence being 18 months imprisonment), King applied for bail pending an Appeal of his sentencing – after a brief Adjournment, the Judge said “Application denied”.

The on-duty Policeman in the dock then reached for his handcuffs, while Grant “Levi Ponyboy” King / Grant Good / George Good / Grant Norman / Grant Melrose (and all his other online aliases) and his daughter Sequoia King sobbed up a storm – it was like watching two people who had been living in the twilight zone their entire lives finally wake up to reality – and it wasn’t at all pretty to watch.

Grant Norman King, who has amassed over 40 offences in his criminal logbook of life, who even now has over $20,000 of fines owing to the Crown, who sold the Chinese investors in Tern Anchor and Trident Cycles down the river for over $300,000, who hid over $58,000 of income from the Official Assignee this time around, and who has amassed nearly $4 million dollars of fraud against 71 victims of fraud in the past 33 years, was led away, crying and sniffling like the proverbial baby.

I can’t imagine Mr King is going have a very pleasant time in Jail as a historically convicted sex offender.

Double-bunking at Mt Eden Prison should be fun too, I would imagine.

Gotcha, you prick.

The above is just a “taster” of the full story, which I have tonight had confirmed is being scheduled for publication within the next 1-2 weeks with an exclusive media organisation.

I have screeds of documents to publish as well, and I will release these documents on the website on the day the exclusive media news article is published.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd


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Sensible Sentencing Trust Update on Grant King Offender Database Profile 2015.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Why is Grant “Ponyboy” King fiddling with cars at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville?

Word on the Helensville grapevine is that Grant ‘Ponyboy” King has been working on a few cars at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville.

Goodness, the last time “Ponyboy” was let anywhere near cars, it didn’t go that well.

In 1982, King was jailed for 6 months on 4 charges of receiving stolen vehicles. King was a self-employed panel-beater and car painter in Otahuhu, and received a number of stolen vehicles though his workshop, grinding the engine and chassis numbers from the vehicles, and then repainting them.

Wouldn’t be yet ANOTHER illegal business in the making, would it?

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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The NZ Justice system could have nailed Grant Norman King for a $750,000 fraud back in 1987 – 1991: Instead………they let him go.

The following document (below) is the original 1994 transcript of “Quinby Enterprises Ltd (In Liquidation) (a Grant King-created illegal investment company), vs. The General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corporation Public Limited Company”.

The story this document reveals will in part be familiar to many of Kings 72 fraud victims.

King comes up with a grand scam, takes money off people who trust him, and then tries to get away with keeping the money via manufacturing a “dispute” between the parties.

What isn’t so well-known is that at the time of this case being investigated, King was found to have secured around $750,000 in investment and debt using other peoples money, none of which he invested (except into his own bank account), and that the NZ Justice Department had King dead-to-rights in breach of numerous statutory authorities.

These breaches by Grant King were so significant, that even the Judge who was hearing the “Quinby” case (eventually heard in the Auckland High Court in 1994) expressed his incredulity that, rather than the NZ Justice Department prosecuting King to the very extent of the law regarding the investment fraud, they instead offered King a deal that if he paid back the money and stopped advertising for investors in his scam arrangements, the NZ Justice system would let him off prosecution.

Naturally, King took the deal, but then refused to pay back the money, and was subsequently adjudicated bankrupt in 1991 (Kings first bankruptcy).

This story also reveals an additional $500,000 in fraud committed by Grant Norman King that I was not aware of.

Which now makes Grant King the $4 million-dollar man in terms of the amount of (known) fraud King has perpetuated upon other people during his 33-year criminal career.

Just think: if the NZ Justice system had nailed King in a criminal case in 1991, imagine how many fraud victims of Grant King might have been spared the loss, anguish and trauma they subsequently experienced as a result of Kings multiple illegal fraudulent actions against them?

I have often wondered why Grant King seemed to present so confidently in Court environments, even when the evidence against him has historically been so utterly and completely over-whelming.

After reading this Judgment, I now think I know why: relatively early in his longitudinal criminal career, King won a massive “staring competition” with the NZ Justice system, and I suspect that when that happened, King (understandably, I guess) truly felt that he was untouchable.

The full Judgment is below:

Quinby v Gen Accident Fire 1995 1 NZLR 736

And if anyone thinks that the cause of the fire mentioned in the Judgment was a faulty plug board – then I have a bridge to sell you 🙂

A readers comment probably sums this story up nicely:

“There’s nothing like the disinfecting power of a little sunlight exposing the activities of people such as this. Justice Barker was not impressed with the quality of his (Kings) evidence and it seems not much has changed since”.



Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Chinese investors in Tern Anchors & Trident Cycles now in full blown panic mode: they are trying to register this domain name in China to head off the upcoming Chinese media releases.

 Image result for fear

I have just received this email from an organisation calling itself China Registry Headquarters:

(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)

We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. On Nov 5, 2015, we received an application from Huabo Holdings Ltd requested “grantnormanking” as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names. But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?

Kind regards,

Jason Liu General Manager  China Registry (Headquarters) 6012, Qilai Building, No. 889 Yishan Road,

Shanghai 200233, China Tel: +86 21 6191 8696 Mobile: +86 138 1642 8671 Fax: +86 21 6191 8697 Web: www.chinaregistry.org.cn

It won’t work: if “Huabo Holdings” try to make a claim on this domain name, they will face a WIPO application.

Probably something Pang Tong Investments and Director Wei Li could do without, what with everything else going on for them at the moment.

Sunlight is coming, Mr Li, sunlight is coming.

I guess they haven’t heard about the book, either then……………………..what a cast of characters THAT’S going to reveal once it’s released!

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Trident Cycles: How many others are out there who have paid Grant “Levi Ponyboy” King money for a Trident product, who have yet to receive their goods?

We now know that Grant “Levi Ponyboy” King has been engaged in illegal trading as an undischarged bankrupt right up until (at least) Thursday 29/10/15.

We also now know that King has been receiving money for Trident products as an “independent trader” (if the Chinese investors at Pang Tong Investments would like the contact details of these people who have dealt directly with Grant King in this capacity, and who have the email trails to prove it, please email me at dylan316@maxnet.co.nz and I will forward these details to you so that you can verify this claim for yourself).

What we don’t know is how many other people there are “out there” who are in the same boat.

We know there will be more Trident fraud victims, because with King involved – there just always is.

If you are a Trident Cycles customer, or a customer of “Levi Norman” or ‘GK Norman”, or “Levi Ponyboy”, or “George Good” or any other rendition of Grant Norman Kings battered name, and you have been ripped off, please contact me via email at dylan316@maxnet.co.nz and I will put you in touch with the appropriate authorities who will be able to assist you.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd





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“Levi Ponyboy” Grant King pleads with Victim # 72 to have these posts taken down – “No” is the response.

“Levi Ponyboy” Grant King is now in a desperate, and ultimately futile attempt at damage control.

It seems that these recent posts have attracted the (warranted) attention of a number of interested parties to the content, and Grant King has now made contact with Victim # 72, pleading with them to have these posts removed from this website.

I pause to consider how it may have felt for the victims of Grant King (72 victims over a 33-year criminal history, totalling approximately $3.5 million dollars in fraud), who may have made appeals to Grant King for him to “do the right thing” by them?

As readers of this website will now know, appeals to King in the realm of decency, integrity, keeping ones word, honouring contracts, or upholding his end of any deal always fell on deaf ears – King would either ignore them, threaten them, abuse them, or go into “victim” mode and claim “harassment” against him.

Now the shoe is on the other foot – “Ponyboy” is squealing like a stuck pig.

For goodness sake, Grant, what you are experiencing is the law of natural consequence – for once in your life, own up, and man up.

Your host of victims would expect nothing less of you.

In the words of one victim who wrote to me today:

“Grant King stole almost all I had worked for all my life up until that time.

He deserves to be punished for what he has done”

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd





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“Levi Ponyboy” Grant Norman King L.O.S.I.N.G I.T. big time.

My goodness what a day it has been today for “Levi Ponyboy” Grant Norman King:

Not content with:

1/ Being busted by Trade Me (for the fourth time) for illegal trading whilst a bankrupt;

2/ Being outed by witnesses to the illegal trading (who have the evidence) all of which affirms his “donkey-deep” role in Trident Cycles;

3/ Losing his job, income, vehicle (and who knows what else);

4/ Being exposed today as vigorously biting the hand that has been feeding him;

Mr King has now embarked on issuing direct threats against me in the public arena, via direct approach.

Apparently, according to “Ponyboy” I am to now “watch my back” – against what exactly, King didn’t say to me at the time.

King then hauled out his mobile phone, took a photo of me, and then rabidly declared that he was going to set up another website about me  – and in doing so, inadvertently admitted his ownership of a previous “anonymous poster” website (Ooops).

So basically, he simply lost the plot.

Now, I do understand and recognise that Mr King is under a significant amount of stress at the moment – but the consideration by Mr King that his stress is self-induced and a result of natural consequence for his own actions and behaviour seemed utterly lost on him.

Apparently, everyone else is to blame for his car-crash of a life, and he is a victim in all of this.

Parallel universe, anyone?

There is much, much more of this story yet to be published (via exclusive mainstream media) – but all in good time.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd








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Memo to Trident Cycles in China: do an urgent stocktake reconciliation of your product in NZ, as it appears your NZ Manager, Mr Grant Norman King, has been skimming off the top.

Image result for skimming off the top

“Levi Ponyboy” Grant King is nothing if not careless.

Further to this story reported yesterday, the victims advise that Grant King was operating as an “Independent Trader” (which would also be illegal for King to be, under his current third bankruptcy) on Trade Me, and all references and identifying details pertaining to the Trident Cycles merchandise he was flogging to an unsuspecting public had been removed.

It wasn’t until the Trident Cycles victims found this website, and then tracked King to the Trident Cycles Facebook page (where they subsequently found the bike they had purchased) that they realised they were buying a Trident bike.

King had stripped all identifying Trident features from the bike point-of-sale, so that:

a/ Trident Cycles could not be identified as the manufacturer;

b/ Any and all warranties for the bike he was selling to them could not be subsequently claimed against.

Now, either Pang Tong Investments (the parent company of Trident Cycles in NZ) and Directors Wei Li & “Stone” Shu are parties to this commercial fraud, or King has been skimming product off the top of the inventory list, and pocketing the cash for himself as an “Independent Trader”, without the knowledge of Pang Tong Investments.

Of course, this should be no surprise to Pang Tong Investments, as this is exactly what King did when he worked at Holdfast Marine selling Rocna Anchors – Pang Tong were the manufacturers for King then as well.

Talk about a mass fallout among thieves -wait until all of this hits the local and international Chinese media in a few weeks time.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd


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Trident Cycles starts to rack up the fraud victims: “Leviponyboy” Trade Me account is Grant Norman King – and Trade Me knows it.

 Grant Norman King continues to extend his middle finger to the NZ Legal System:

The latest fraud victim (# 72) writes:

“My husband is the member on TradeMe, and you know the story, this guy was trading again on TM. using the name Levi but I remembered Helensville as his area.

When the bike didn’t turn up, and he suddenly disappeared from TM, we contacted TM and made a report and then heard nothing back.

We had basically accepted that we’d lost the money, and being a birthday present, our daughter was also very disappointed.

Then yesterday we rang, e-mailed (leviponyboy@gmail.com) and phoned TM again, and they got back to us to say that they had contacted him via e-mail, (as he didn’t return their calls either) and his story was he’d just sent it, and TM was giving him until this morning to do so.

They refuse to give me any details about this “trader”, or why he is no longer on TM.

The name the “trader” gave me to bank the money was Levi Norman. I was checking my bank account yesterday and I noticed that the name actually came up as G K Norman, so I started to search, white pages, nothing, and then variations on G – greg, garry, and then grant, and guess what, I saw your site, and read it, then saw the trident cycles connection, and looked on FB, 103 Mill rd Helensville and his website, and there is the bike we purchased.

I tried the phone number for Trident, it goes to answer phone every time.

But I knew it was the same guy. So it was actually his bank account that gave him away. 

I keep looking at your site, and then read the story about TM and tried the mobile number, and he actually answered.

He was a bit flustered as to how I had connected the dots, I launched into I’ve bought a bike from you on Trade Me…which he at first denied.

However he was then able to tell me that he had just yesterday sent it to Toll to be freighted and knew the receivers details and address, and gave me some story about a guy named Levi who lived down the road he sells bikes too, who then resells them on TM.

However he could not give me his phone number when I asked for it… 

I just told him I didn’t believe him, and that he was the same person, which he denied.

When I asked him about being bankrupt, he confirmed it, and he said he just worked for Trident cycles. 

I insisted on a tracking number, which TM was unable to even get out of him.

He gave me one, it was incorrect when I searched for it.

I then rang Toll, and they did actually confirm that they had picked up from 103 Mill rd a package for my daughter. So maybe miracles do happen, I’ll let you know when it is received.

So our concerns are the same as yours in that TM is letting this guy trade and as you said throwing people under the bus! this is not on.

This experience has been awful, the whole site is built on trust, and it is a big ask to hand over money in good faith based on a picture.

If TM weren’t so paranoid about getting their money and insisted on more transparency, contact phone numbers, address verified, bank accounts, maybe less people would be scammed.

If they themselves had more trust that the sellers would pay them!

I think he has only decided to send it in the end because TM investigations was onto him and he must really need TM to sell these.

However it does not change the fact that as you pointed out he should not be trading at all. 

How do you hold TM accountable?

I did e-mail them the link for your TM story, so hopefully they digest that.

They seem unwilling to accept any liability, and quite prepared to protect this guy?”

Long story short: Grant King is still illegally trading, despite a host of legal sanctions against him not to (including a High Court Judgment).

And Trade Me’s role? An appalling case study regarding the on-going enablement of a criminal.

NZ Legal system: over to you.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Trident Cycles clients ripped off by Grant King now making contact (and Trade Me is still enthusiastically protecting fraudsters).

This has just come in:

We must be number 72 just been scammed by this guy on Trade Me after parting with $345 for a bike for our 14 year olds birthday. Trade Me are doing nothing and won’t even give me his details, but with a bit of investigation I found your page.

My alarm bells rang when he didn’t return my e-mails, and then suddenly disappeared from Trade Me. And of course no bike! calling himself Levi Ponyboy…

This guy needs to be stopped.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Grant King fired from Tern Anchor & Trident Cycles – story pending.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Gotcha! (Again).

Grant King 11-9-15

Grant King, Auckland City, 11/9/15

(Photo: Steve Taylor)


Where is Grant going, who is that with him, and what is Grant carrying in his hand?

(Photo: Steve Taylor)

And very, very soon, we will tell you how, who, what, and why  – exclusive media story pending.

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Could this spell the end of Tern Marine NZ? NZ companies must have at least one Director-in residence by October 2015.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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“GNK Syndrome” strikes again: NZ Companies Office records reveal that Tern Marine NZ & Trident Cycles NZ are technically insolvent.

Wow. Just wow.

Readers would have heard the term “GNK Syndrome” over the years that this website has been live.

GNK Syndrome is where a business, agency, or individual engages Grant King in some manner, and the business, agency, or individual promptly loses money or assets (or both – actually, usually both).

A cursory review of the GNK Offender Timeline gives some stunning examples of this chronic, no-cure condition, and we now have another two companies to add to the list that have seemingly “done its shirt”, only this time it’s a Chinese-based company, Pang Tong Investments, trading as Pang Bei Shanghai, and the listed overseas Directors of Tern Marine NZ ( – take a look at this financial statement of accounts:


Tern Marine Financial Statements as at March 2014

For years, Grant King has passed himself off as some “Super Salesman” – the figures in the above financial statement show otherwise.

Maths is such a  pure language 🙂

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Grant King rips off NZD $310,000 from US-based investor – the story of the fraud in the words of the victim, Mr Joe Simonetta.

Joe is to be commended for his willingness to tell his story publically – for every person who knows about Grant King and his opportunistic and strategic criminality, the less future victims there will be:

It was my misfortune to meet Grant King in Auckland in 1987.

It was my enormous misjudgement to invest a significant amount of money with him.

I am an American who lived in New Zealand near Nelson on the South Island for most of 1987.

I spent a few weeks in Auckland toward the end of 1987.

When I was about to return to the U.S., I read and responded to an advertisement placed by Grant King in an Auckland newspaper.

The ad described briefly an investment opportunity that yielded a high interest rate.

I contacted and met with King.

He explained that he was raising funds for small businesses in New Zealand.

He was lending these businesses modest sums. He explained it in detail to include the significant demand for these funds and the interest rates that he was charging.

At the time, it seemed reasonable.

I also liked that my funds would help small New Zealand businesses. I decided, far too quickly, to invest.

I insisted that there needed to be solid collateral for my funds, US

$USD 180,000 (NZ $310,000 at that time).

These funds represented a combination of my savings and a final payoff I had just received from a business I had sold in the U.S.

This investment with King was to finance my retirement as I had planned to allow the interest I was due to accrue for some years before taking payment.

King drew up an agreement dated November 16, 1987.

The agreement included the following four properties as collateral:

  1. 66 Mount Eden Road, Auckland.
  2. Victoria Park Market, Victoria Street, Auckland.
  3. Contemporary Jewellery, Chase Building, Lorne Street, Auckland.
  4. 11 Walters Road, Mount Eden, Auckland

Interest payments to me were to begin to accrue monthly on December 10, 1987.

I signed the agreement without checking his collateral, background, or character.

I thought I was a good judge of character and believed what he had presented.

What I should have done was checked with an Auckland attorney but I did not.

NaĂŻve and gullible, I gave him the funds which would end up as a 100% loss to me.

I never received even one payment.

His collateral turned out to be worthless.

It took me many years to recover from this financial loss the magnitude of which at the time it occurred was devastating.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Helensville A&P Show aid and abet the regions most high profile criminal and fraudster to rip off the locals.

Things must be getting desperate for Grant King – he’s had to resort to cheap pop-up canopies and boxes-for-furniture to flog off his illegally imported gear to the locals at the local Helensville A&P Show.

Looks like King is having a fire sale – understandable, given the new cluster of criminal charges he is now facing.

Questions must now be asked of the local Helensville A&P Show Committee: what in the world was King doing anywhere near a public event in a commercial role as a multiple convicted fraudster, especially as he is also a convicted pedophile, in an environment frequented by children?

(Update: A Helensville A&P Show Committee member has confirmed in writing that “in respect of Mr King, we do not and cannot do background checks on the people who book trade sites at the show. If there are restrictions against Mr King trading in a public place then I would expect this to be overseen by the Department of Corrections and the Police, the latter being present at the Show”).

No sense of Fiduciary care to the public then………………………

It is said that a picture paints a thousand words – read away:

Grant King / George Good, Helensville A&P Show, 28/02/15

Grant King A&P Show 1

Grant King A&P Show 2Grant King A&P Show 3

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If you are a Consumer, Statutory Organisation, Business, or other interested party who has been directed to this site as a result of dealings with Grant Norman King / George Good – please read on.


If you are reading this post, then somewhere along the way, you have had the gigantic misfortune to run into Grant Norman King.

Grant King also goes by the name of George Good.

This site has been compiled by the people who had this misfortune before you: 71 of us to be exact, and collectively we span a 32 year history with Grant King, with the combined fraud committed against us by Grant King amounting to approximately $3.2 million dollars over this time.

Since the time that this site went live in 2011, we as a victims collective have managed to assist in 8 statutory convictions against Grant King, and at the time of writing this post, we anticipate more convictions against Grant King will be secured in 2015.

We have also been able to place Grant King front and centre into the public spotlight via 7 media articles over this time, articles that have initiated on-going Statutory interest in Grant King.

In addition, we have worked hard to ensure that Grant King was not released from his third bankruptcy in October 2013, and the outcome of a High Court Public Hearing against Grant King in 2014 is “decision pending” on whether the State will decide to keep Grant King listed as an undischarged bankrupt indefinitely.

We also won a landmark District Court case in 2014 that ensures that this site will never disappear or be taken down.

In 2011, Steve Taylor (fraud victim number 70), convened this site, and with the assistance of this network, Steve has led the charge for the past 4 years in the role of our Consumer Advocate towards maximising the possibility of Grant King being held to account for his longitudinal and unscrupulous actions.

If you, like all of us, have indeed had the gigantic misfortune to run into Grant King, then we are hopeful that the information contained on this website will be helpful to you in your pursuit of justice against Grant King.

Some useful links for you in your information search concerning Grant King are posted below:

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

“All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing” (Edmund Burke)

Kind Regards,

The Grant Norman King Accountability Support Society (GNKASS)

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Amy Christy from Helensville – come on down!


George Good

(Click image to enlarge)

It seems yet another Helensville local has discovered that dealing with Grant King (or “George Good” as he names himself on the Helensville Community Facebook page) isn’t exactly a box of chuckles.

King threatens to sue all and sundry on the page for “damaging his reputation” – Grant King has done a pretty fair job of damaging his reputation himself – see below:

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

The last time Grant King took someone to Court (me), it didn’t work out so well for him that time either:


Kings only appeal for self-defence? His self-authored fantasy-land blog he has been writing – again, anonymously (although in linking to it, he confirms his authorship).

Helensville local Amy Christy is to be congratulated for fronting up Grant King and his illegal businesses.

King admits 3 times that he is the owner and operator of the business, Trident Cycles.

This “trifecta” disclosure is in direct contrast to what King has been telling other statutory parties to date, and this link has naturally been posted to them for their attention.

Goodness only knows what his Chinese pals are saying about King right now.

I only hope that Amy Christy is not fraud victim number 72.

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Auckland Council confirm investigation into Grant King living as a resident in a non-residential zoned property at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville.

Oh dear.

I have had it confirmed today by the Auckland Council that the property that Grant King has moved into (the upper business space at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville), is zoned” Commercial Use” only, which means that King is now living illegally at the premises.

The Auckland Council has now received a formal complaint, and are now acting on it.

Predictably, this decision by King to flout local bylaws has now dropped his landlord, Caleb Jackson, right in it: it is the landlord who is liable for ensuring that a property is being properly used for purpose.

The fines for non-compliance are substantial, especially when agreements of this type are willingly entered into by the parties.

So, King once again finds a “fall-guy” in Jackson to take the hit for Kings own irresponsible and cavalier attitude towards the law.

Oh, well………………………………………

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd


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Grant King now selling awnings, and leaves his State Highway 16 property in a mess.

Websites; Pewter products; Marketing pins; Sleepouts; Kennels; Anchors; Bikes; Paddle boards; and now Awnings?

Grant King, having moved out of the State Highway 16 property he was renting from an Australian Landlord, has now moved into the non-residential zoned upper floor of his business premises at 103 Mill Rd, Helensville, leaving an unholy mess (and most likely a substantial rent arrears bill) at his former State Highway 16 address.

Awnings now seem to be the flavour-of-the-month product for Grant King, and I’m picking any Trident Cycle warranties will now be null and void in the absence of any on-going substantial trade in bikes and bike parts.

If anyone has any further information pertaining to the awning business, please advise?

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Grant King really, really, REALLY wants this site gone…………..and here is a way he can get his wish.

It seems that the failed legal attempt by Grant King to have this website shut down has not dimmed his enthusiasm for trying to achieve his goal through less overt means.

Since the Court case, King has attempted to employ a number of strategies to achieve what now seems to have become quite an obsessive goal on his part.

In the meantime, Kings illegal management as an undischarged bankrupt of Trident Cycles and Tern Anchor (for which he is currently before the Courts – again) has resulted in Tern Anchor disappearing as a business, Trident Cycles losing 50% of its trading space in Helensville, and King and Trident Cycles being permanently banned from Trade Me for (again) breaching Trade Me’s terms and conditions of trade.

Yes, times for Mr King must indeed be tough – a recent confirmation from an American Paddle Board company that King had been trying to sell “knock-off” copies of their paddle boards in NZ was met with a quick withdrawal of these boards from sale in NZ.

And as we await the High Court Ruling as to the status of Grant Kings bankruptcy (which is most likely to become permanent), and as Lawyers throughout the land now regularly reference the King v Taylor court case in their submissions to Court when representing clients under the 1997 Harassment Act, the name “Grant King” is now embedded in the legal, media, and online communities for all to see.

It didn’t have to be this way for Mr King.

The solution to Kings current (unwelcome to him) high profile was offered to King way back in 2011 – and again in 2012 -and again in 2013 – and Kings answer was always the same – “No”.

The solution offered to King was a simple one – that King pay back the money he stole from us, plus our costs incurred to pursue the claim against King, and that a settlement would be considered, a settlement which would involve the removal of this website from the public domain.

It is said that wisdom is proved right by what results from it, and the result of Grant Kings’ “wisdom” on this matter has been evident for all to see over the past three years – court convictions and sentences, multiple media, more court cases to come, lost businesses, King being ostracised from his local community, King shifting to smaller and smaller accommodation,  a formal public examination (a full write-up of this is to be published, once the High Court Judgment has been delivered)….. the list goes on.

Long story short – King has chosen to bathe in the consequences of his own actions, whilst accepting no responsibility for these actions, and crying to anyone who will endure him “it’s not fair”.

So King wants this site down?

No problem: King just has to pay me what he stole from me, plus costs, and the site comes down  – a simple example of restorative justice.

If King’s answer continues to be ‘No” – then this site will continue to monitor him and report on him – forever.

Over to you, Mr King.






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Grant King & Trident Cycles now trading at Spreets.co.nz – buyer beware!

Message to Spreets, sent today:


Paddle Boards:


Trident Bicycles:


info09 Sep 17:21Hi Kay,Yes we will be making delivery of these boards earlier.The container is only 2 weeks away at this stage so delivery will be before the end of the month.

regards Grant


Kay (Spreets NZ)09 Sep 17:19Hi Trident CyclesCustomer has placed an order for 2 Paddle Boards and wonders if these can be delivered before October 30th. They are away for all of October and would really like them before they go.Product: 10′ 6″ Epoxy Red Stand Up Paddle Board x 2 :

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards, Kay

Customer Care




I am the Convenor of www.grantnormanking.com

I understand that Grant King, a 3 x undischarged bankrupt, is trading via Spreets. This is a breach of Mr Kings bankruptcy conditions.

Mr King is currently before the Courts for trading as Trident Cycles and Tern Anchor whilst an undischarged bankrupt, and has been banned from Trade Me for the third  time for trading outside their terms of service.

Mr King is also before the High Court on a Public Examination to consider keeping him in indefinite bankruptcy.

I have passed this information to the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment for their attention, and the Insolvency office.

Please feel free to contact me if you need to.

Grant King is a significant risk to Consumers – 71 fraud victims and over $3 million dollars in fraud over a 32 year period will attest to this.

Steve Taylor,




Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd




Featured post

Trident Cycles & Tern Anchor permanently banned from Trade me (for the 3rd time) for breaching Terms & Conditons.

When will Trade Me ever learn?

It has just been confirmed that Trident Cycles and Tern Anchor have been banned from Trade Me (for the third time) for breaching the TM terms and conditions.

All Trident Cycles & Tern Anchor products have now disappeared from Trade Me.

But knowing Trade Me as we all do – it won’t be long before NZ’s most infamous three-times undischarged bankrupt, Grant Norman King, is welcomed again by Trade Me with open arms.


Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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50% of Trident Cycles retail shop in Helensville folds – the “GNK Syndrome” effect strikes again.

The ‘GNK Syndrome” effect is what happens to a business when the business lets Grant King anywhere near it.

True to form, Grant King continues his destructive journey through the NZ business sector, this time taking out 50% of “Trident Cycles” whilst acting illegally as the Manager of the business, and whilst a bankrupt, since its inception in New Zealand.

So, 50% of the Trident Cycles shop has headed for the scrap-heap (although online sales are still operating on Trade Me), Grant King is most likely heading for trial to be prosecuted for (again), operating a business whilst an undischarged bankrupt, and we await the High Court decision regarding placing Grant King into indefinite bankruptcy.

Just another day in the toxic twilight zone that is Grant Norman Kings pitiful and ultimately meaningless life.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

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Breaking News: Grant King facing more charges in Court!

While we all await the Judgment of the High Court regarding the Public Examination of Grant King by the Office of the Official Assignee, it has come to light that Grant King is facing yet MORE charges in Court.

It will be best to wait until due legal process has occurred before I post the specifics of the latest charges.

More later.

Grant King – Convicted Sex Offender.

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

Trident Cycles Facebook Page

Trident Cycles Trade Me Page

Grant King High Court Public Examination 2014

NZ Gazette Notice of Grant King Public Examination

No Cowboys Rating for Trident Cycles

No Cowboys Rating for Tern Marine Ltd

Featured post

A case study into the mind and motivation of a serial fraudster – with some amazing parallels to Grant Norman King.

Grant King was convicted on charges of operating a business while bankrupt.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Photo / Dean Purcell

Grant King

Grant King Offender Timeline 1982 – present-day

Grant King Media Articles Library Summary

The Detectives profile of a serial fraudster in the second part of the article is fascinating reading:
